How dare they. Don’t they know being proud to be white isn't allowed?
How dare they. Don’t they know being proud to be white isn't allowed?
YO I did not know this game was a simulated MMO! Changes my whole mindset on it; going on my Wishlist right now! (atop the pile of 400+ other titles..)
Right?! We can’t say it because we’re the ones calling eachother out, LMFAO
Swipe thru a few hundred Tinder profiles and tell me there’s no such thing as NPCs. :)
How many books did you have to crack open to obtain that reference?
Especially with the innumerable amount of white knights and ignorant sjw fanatics around lol
Hilariously, if she would just keep it to damn school hours, this could be a "9-5" just slid down a couple hours. But no. Her problem is she made it an obsession.
Poor girl. Making an irresponsible decision like leaving a Masters Degree level job to become popular, paid and loved online for playing games must be tough.
Clayton’s a paid clickbait artist, AKA troll on the payroll. Nobody edits any of the swamp shit they allow on Kinja sites.
To even feel the need to say that in a thread concerning Marshall means you must not be familiar with his work. This is no “Lil something-or-other”. This is a fucking legend.
Boy do I wish Kinja would let us filter out certain authors.
Nobody really cares about this socio-political bullshit. But as long as it gets clicks I guess...
To educate all the BRats here that just don’t know any better, BR was just a shit-tier, Twitch fodder gametype tacked on to the far superior and true Fortnite experience Save The World base game to drum up free advertisement by Twitch whores and YouTube scrubs. The massive influx of you normies into the title is what…
To be fair BR was just a shit-tier, Twitch fodder gametype tacked on to the far superior and true Fortnite experience Save The World base game to drum up free advertisement by Twitch whores and YouTube scrubs. So you should educate yourself, BRat. :)
Fortnite isn’t a BR game. It’s a base building zombie killing trap defense game. ;)
Epic are master of free advertisement. First it was the tacked-on battle royale gametype to get Twitch whores to promote the game, now literally just acknowledging anything Kotaku posts about it. :T A win for Epic, a loss for Kotaku readers and Save The World players sick of seeing the reason their game was turned to…
At least it served its purpose: Being whored out on Twitch for free publicity and easy sales. Ain’t that the American Dream of game devs nowadays? Fortnite BR, FNAF, Overwatch, Evolve, Ark; Did I miss any?
You're all probably part of the problem. Boo hoo.