M'aiq the liar

Halo 3 was and still is one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever seen. The Master Chief Collection really did it justice, tripling the resolution, adding anti-aliasing and volumetric effects, and moving to entire thing to Halo 4's lighting engine. Fucking gorgeous, this video makes me want to play it all over again.

“Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” completely sums up this and every other similar situation in the past few years. Modern feminism and SJW zealots with their backward ass logic have ruined video games.

How is this discriminatory? And whatever happened to “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? The Widowmaker was probably white anyway.

It is “SJW bullshit” if alt characters are cheaply shoehorned in, or used as a kind of ‘selling point’ to the game (/movie/series/whatever). In that case, that’s not “inclusion”, that’s “exploitation.”

That’s quite an expensive pander, Google. But you got the money.

Ever since 2005 they’ve been making money off of gimmicks. Gimmicks! Non core gamers buy gimmicks. That’s their aim I guess.

Love me a challenge run, and this definitely takes the cake for most unique idea I’ve seen in a while. You go, Uruk’s Hollow!

For the first point, not necessarily at all. Let’s say the guy decides to use polyamory as a bargaining chip. Fact of the matter though at the end of the day is, being a guy, she is going to get wwwaaaaayyy more action that he does. That’s a bargain that blows up in his face.

This is what you get when you try to “get more indie developers working on software for” your new system and try to out-Indie the other guys. A truckload of shovelware. Now FEEL it. FEEL it like the Wii and Steam did!

Not gonna lie, I was expecting more LGTBBQ pandering. “I’m a biotic, a M-to-F trans, and a lesbian.” Like I was wondering how much edge Bioware could stack onto a character, but I’m glad it didn’t come to that. Alt pandering is a soda that’s gone flat.

graphics chip must be shitty

Almost sure of it

Can we get playerbase stats for The Sims? I just wanna have a chuckle. {XD

Red still doesn’t exist in “the anime”. There’s just a spinoff anime OF him. Same as if they had made a spinoff game with Ash.

They ccould help with th Steam issue by allowing us to filter OUT tags, like “Indie”, etc.

She’s an attention seeking whore. Objectifying women is obviously PART of the Conan universe, which as a work of fiction, is Clearly not OUR universe. She might as well be protesting porn. How about we just outlaw video games and any alternate reality works of fiction, huh lady? I can’t believe some SJWs. But I guess

People spent 60$ on this.

I need some info. Does there exist an Asia/Worldwide version of Criminal Girls 2 uncensored with English subtitles?

They’re not playing the game period.

Who’s business is this and why is it relevant to Kotaku readers?