M'aiq the liar

And in case you didn’t notice, parts of the screen are cropped off.

People, this is why you super glue the pieces together. Or at least Mod-Podge the whole thing.

Also, notice how the dev obviously doesn’t know what “LGBT” means, but since he’s seen them raise shitstorms all across the internet, simply addresses them as one would an organization or terrorist group. Which is understandable considering how negatively sjws have influenced gaming in the past few years.

Good for them! Freedom of speech and business. Being a white knight or some kind of social fad panderer and waving that flag shouldn’t entitle you to free shit. Kid is just as bad as he probably makes everyone who’s not a non-binary genderfluid tumblr-trotting trans-squid out to be.

And are they REALLY being tied up “against the their will”???

“Appropriate.” I wish publishers, devs, pretty much Everyone would stop using that word to define their own idea of what is correct or acceptable socially. “Appropriate” is wholly and entirely subjective based on many circumstances.

The hardcore have all platforms, because gaming is about games, not brand loyalty or following console trends based on who got the biggest media slams on the other guy pre-launch.

Can we ditch this new “teraflops” terminology fad and talk about actual, absolute stats? Bitrates, memory bandwidth, etc?



Aaahh. MOBA game, MOBA community.

Is he playing League with a game pad?

Not only is that Americanist propaganda (look how much more happy and wealthy those northern European countries are than US!) but you yourself are probably in some position of privilege if you THINK actual middle classers make 80K a year. That’s a ton of money unless they live in NYC or LA or any other 1%er-ville you

Or it could reduce MMO server queues... :)

That’s the joke. Halo admittedly by Bungie was inspired by tons of other sci-fi that came before it. Ringworld, Alien, Doom, etc.

Watch it turn Free-to-Play by Christmas. d:

Wholeheartedly agree.

Prolly wouldn’t be writing for Kotaku.

OH GOD I remember the vid at least 10 years ago where some computer voice was narrating it

Zero kills between the time the person disconnects and the 3 minute waiting period before you can “/remake”.

That’s the problem. EVERY top-down MOBA player is a dick.