M'aiq the liar

It seems like every 3 or 4 months honestly. At most.

Can’t wait to see how the SJW zealots spin this. Oh wait, you’re not playing As him, you’re trying to Kill him. Well that’s well and good with them then. Carry on.

Look up. Didn't you stuck Destiny to your ceiling a while back?

My mom tells the story that, while I was in the womb, my dad would stay up all night in the living room trying to beat the original Mario Bros. By the time I first played it at 2, I’m 27 now, HIS mother would beat the game lickety split when she was bored.

Can’t believe the racial/cultural sensitivity zealots haven’t aired this one out yet.

You said “masochistic pricks”. Invalid comment.

Japan is at least honest with themselves, which is more than I can say for America’s retarded problem with SJWs and censorship and hypocritical tightwads.

You’re an idiot. If he didn’t have a reason for her to be hot you’d be pissy because of That.

All the SJW and white knight bullshitters in the comments. Damn.

It’s a point-n-click adventure budget. And thus, completely irrelevant.

Insert Studio Ghibli reference. But for real if they had a hand in this in any way then Cheung’s project would be an instant money maker.

Absolutely gorgeous.

On the first story, I don’t know what’s so “bad service” about calling someone something they actually are. If someone is offended by being called something they are then they’re obviously ashamed to be that thing, and need to cram their own ego and agenda “where the sun don’t shine” and don’t belong among actually

On my fourth Nuzlocke at this moment. :)

I went to a GameStop once and ask if they had a disc cleaning/buffing whatever machine/service for my brand new copy of Fable Anniversary that didn’t work (still salty) and they didn’t. That’s about the only thing ever lol. I do agree with the comments it’s super weird being one of only like 2 customers in the store.

I wonder how many of those people earned at least 10% of the achievements or trophies in the game? I’ve never played it myself, but being touted as such a massive game and tremendous time sink that requires tons of sit-down time to fully enjoy, you would think many of today’s attention deficit gamers probably bought

I think that defeats the purpose of a “prison” server though. You don't just visit prison to murder someone to get it out of your system then go back home to your normal life. You get sent there for good with all the other people that got caught doing horrible things and the few that just didn't pay their taxes.


I got one of these, the higher end model, and it is freaking fantastic. Bought it a few months ago and already put hundreds of hours into it. Even neglecting my 55” Samsung in the process! Well worth the money if you like a change of scenery in your gaming. I use it on the couch, in my girlfriend’s room, at my

I got one of these, the higher end model, and it is freaking fantastic. Bought it a few months ago and already put

But you check eBay and click the Sold Listings Only box and it’s true. Chrono for hundreds, Mario RPG for hundreds. I don’t blame em either. Mario RPG was my shit.