M'aiq the liar

I’ll second this. I liked 13 and 13-2. Haven’t played LR yet.

Who Is Mike Jones?

Only read your first sentence. Impossible.

He just wants Bungie to hand him Gjallerhorn...

IKR, OP needs to stfu.

I often like to cook my steak left handed only. Or hopping on one leg. Or in the dark with loud polka music playing. You get the metaphor. Challenge runs. XD

If they don't they're "sexist." If they do then the character will undoubtedly be "a misrepresentation of women." Damned if they do, damned if they don't. This is Earth in 2015, folks.

In due time, I'm sure. Also there's lots of online resources and content. But Bungie is keeping their deep lore close to the vest for now, in true Bungie fashion. Remember Halo CE when we knew a grain's worth of information compared to what we do now?

This is why we can't have nice things.

And it's true too.

Can we all agree that exclusivity only ever seems to be an issue if Xbox gets it, but if Playstation gets it it's A-OK? #sonysdestinydealwactivision

I remember those days. Such good times.

With the Wii-U having just come out last year, I think it's safe to say it'll be a FEW years until the next one, At Least.

Shut the fuck up its art.

Have you been getting decent framerates? I have such a tough time with Twilight Princess and Xenoblade Chronicles

Great now even DC comic heroes fans can get their toxic asshole behavior on!

inb4 tons of feminazi sjw hyperzealots and white knights "discussing" "revealing" outfits in fighting game women and all hell breaks loose.

ONI propaganda. John left in search of Dr Halsey (who went AWOL/was kidnapped by Covenant fundamentalists) in order to see if she could somehow bring back Cortana, who was lost(/died, deleted, destroyed, whatever) at the end of Halo 4. That doesn't make him a traitor. Unless he has to work with the Covenant to bring

You're toxic Kinja fodder. Go away.