Promoting American nuclear belligerence seems to me something Putin would like.
Promoting American nuclear belligerence seems to me something Putin would like.
No, I believe they should be paid. But I think with 18 months left on the contract, making a big deal of it midseason is not good for team chemistry.
Hey man, it’s America! They are 10-1-1*. Forget being scored upon, they haven’t had an opponent in the red zone since the rebels fought them all the way into the 4th quarter. That was midseason!
At this rate the only billionaire who won’t get a Trump appointment is Warren Buffett.
Their strategy was buying under the radar players for less. I may be wrong but their entire winning side cost less than what Sanchez would want. I am aware it’s a huge fluke, but Wenger has a good track record of finding underpriced talent.
Well, Leicester won with a lot less, mate. The fucking foxes. A year before that they was getting in trouble for Thai prostitutes.
I haven’t seen this many kids get laid out since I ordered a large pizza with extra mushrooms from Comet Pizza.
2017 is the year we all realize global warming is happening way faster than we predicted and it’s too fucking late to stop itm. 2016 will look like the summer of the shark by comparison.