
Well, in the interest of optimism… Every odd-numbered entry in the series has actually been really good, so they're technically due for a non-shitty one.

I finally watched Scott Pilgrim yesterday precisely because I saw it on this list and I was terribly disappointed. And I like video games and many of the actors involved in the film! It wasn't that I hated the movie, but for a film that's been fawned over so much it really made me shrug my shoulders and say, "Huh?" I

I must be in the minority here, but I've been pretty disappointed with the final season so far. It strikes me as some of the least essential Parks and Rec ever. A whole half hour of the Johnny Karate Show? Which never even was a thing before? Watching these last few episodes, it's felt like the writers just ran out of

I'm pretty sure South Park has been dropping the p-bomb uncensored for over a decade…