
The problem is everyone in politics along with family & friends who ignore all the warning signs and do nothing but blah blah balh.  In every single case the creeps tell us what they are thinking and gonna do.  But in this society are helpless to do anything.  The guy in Buff was interviewed & evaluated a year before

So after paying $75 for a vagina candle how do we know it’s really her or just some woman off the street?  Check out David Spade episode on Lights Out.  How about an Ass Candle or a Tuna Fish candle etc etc.

Somewhat inspiring but also scary.  So many more things could have gone wrong and the least of which was falling asleep at the wheel (which I did only once driving nonstop from Phoenix to Denver).  I know it seems like cheating but with so many things that could go wrong  and lose your life why not ship it from Denver