Mail Ssinnigcm

also, im pretty sure the only spoilery thing that would happen in this movie is why the loop is happening, and the review tells us that (not that there's any reason to keep it secret)

The stealth stuff in that game is the WORST. I ragequit it when I got stuck on a mission that was Forced Stealth. 12 months later I came back and followed a Youtube playthrough to get through it, but by then I'd forgotten what the game was about and how to play, so I ended up quitting again shortly after.

Picked up Lego City Undercover this week, so I'll be playing through that, and trying to decide if I should kick off my Xbox Game Pass trial.

"If you asked for AD Season 5, why are you so surprised?"
"I thought it was THAT GUY!"
*points to Bojack Horseman."

In my heart of hearts I hope they use Reigns' match against Taker to do a Reigns heel turn, them draft him over to Smackdown, team him up with Usos and have them run rampant over that show.

There's already 14 matches on the card, presumably split between the show and pre-show. Bringing in another one now, for the guy who was your champ before getting injured, is squeezing in too much.

I dont think they'll bring Balor back at this stage, better for a Raw-after-wrestlemania pop.

Commissioner? As in, Stephanie's role?

If Sasha backstabs Bayley, that won't be unexpected. She's a natural born heel, shes got backstabs in her blood.

My theory:

Didn't she get speared at WM last year? It's not enough, but it's not nothing :)

Arrested Development narrator: "He doesn't."

He did, but he had to put it in checked luggage, because he's on a plane.

Neil Young cancelled his 2017 Australian tour for medical reasons, even though the tour was months away :(

yep, it's still my favourite of their albums.

Need For Speed Rivals is also quite good as an open-world title, and gives you the chance to play as both dirty criminals and fascist cops,

i didn't play that one, but my first thought would be they wouldn't really be trying for that kind of feel in this series, would they? This game is definitely on the lighter side of the Arcade/Simulation balance, so they probably weren't working too hard on that driving intensity.

will do :)

boo. when it comes to choosing which radio station to get, that pushes that station down the list…

Trail Of Dead - If I had to take one album after Source Tags, it would be Worlds Apart, but I know it's not to everyone's tastes.