When I have an orgasm
When I have an orgasm
I was one of the first people in when MoP was released.
Right before my eyes, I saw someone hit 90 in just one minute, when asking how this happened, turns out they signed up with the " recruit a friend" just shy of two weeks before the release, and had the levels granted to him.
Though its cool, I still feel its an…
Even though I don't care for Gamergate, let alone know what it is...I too am tired of seeing it on all my social networks.
All I know about Gamergate is this, its an argument that can't be won.
That being said....* goes back to playing videogames*
Sure, Violence and Sexism are caused by video games.
Just like Doom , and Wolfenstien were the cause of the Columbine Massacre. Oh , and Marlyinn Manson along with Emineim.
Though games are different from movies and books, for obvious reasons...both are a source of violence. Only difference is that with a book and…
How do you generally beat any game ? Defeating enemies.
Guns, Knives, magic, spells, accidents, either way your still killing/defeating your foes.
This game just seems big on actually having you play a legit bad guy ( which I'm happy about ) . As for killing the innocent ? We all have that blood lust somewhere locked…
Am I right to feel utterly offended by everything coming out of this guys mouth ?
I cosplay...because I can.
Puts Spanish soccer announcers to shame.
Looks like a nice concept, but what about those of us with a few extra pounds.
No point in buying this or funding it if the little device won't even fit on us.
So what about those of us with a few extra pounds?
No sense in buying this game if the band won't even fit.