
And if someone asks when you’re having kids DO NOT say not till after *insert sibling/friend here* It puts way too much pressure on that other party.

That Bethesda is even considering making Elder Scrolls 6. And maybe that it would even come out before 2030. (Hey a girl can dream right?)

I found his brother!

After realizing how much we spent during Kaladesh, my husband and I decided to get a box shortly after release for each set and that’s it. We get all the fun of opening stupid amounts of cards and have enough that we can make a few fun decks out of that set to play against each other/few friends that play.

Or throw in a few Approach of the Second Sun cards and let RNG be your friend.

Or throw in a few Approach of the Second Sun cards and let RNG be your friend.

I feel like there is a strong “Send Gita kitties” subtext to this, so here is my River.

Pretty sure that’s Karen Gillan

My God, that was beautiful; he tapped out!

No wonder it feels like a more fleshed out Mola Mola!

Yep, and all Christians are crusaders.

I usually hate embedded videos that auto play, but I’ll let this one slide

It it’s a solid one with minimal/unobtrusive micro-transactions I’d be sold

The curse of infinite scrolling articles strikes again!

I used to have a Surface 4 Pro when I worked at my old company (man, I miss that wonderful device), and it is surprisingly good at running games. Though, Skyrim’s draw distance on it is so bad you can’t play as a stealth archer :(

The real question is, Did Carl do a backflip after setting the record?

I more or less treat it like most people watch TV. I’m what is considered a “lurker” I tune in, but don’t normally chat. I don’t have cable, so it usually goes like this: Is someone I enjoy steaming a game I am interested in watching? No? Guess I’ll throw on some Netflix. Also, instead of watching someone else play

Or a Culver’s

The worst car color is that shitty rusty orange regardless of what type of vehicle it is on. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea?

First off, since this is a custody case, not a divorce case alimony would not be considered, that would have happened during the actual divorce. Secondly, he currently has custody of the kids, so if child support is being paid, she is paying him. This is about getting children away from this maniac not someone