
I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Cattrall many years ago when she came into an office where I worked. It was way before SATC was even a gleem in MP King’s eye. It was pretty soon after Star Trek VI so she was definitely not an unknown by any stretch.

Someone needs to ask SJP if the 2nd SaTC film was a beautiful story. We need to know how good she is at gauging beautiful stories.

The last movie, MPK even said he was just fucking with us. Don’t blame KC because you made the shittiest sequel possible just to dick with the fans, and now can’t get yet another repeat done. It’s also pretty telling that the movie is THIS DEPENDENT on Kim Cattrall. Clearly they wrote a script so dependent on

I’m beginning to think that Sarah Jessica Parker leaked those nasty stories and quotes about Kim last week in an effort to force her to return to the series. Good on Kim for sticking to her guns and not bowing to pressure. One, it’s time to let this thing go. As she said, she’s 61 now. Is she supposed to play some sex

I really doubt she would come out this strongly - especially publicly calling out SJP - if she’s full of crap. That’s too easy to disprove with emails, etc.

This is what happens when women stand up for themselves. She says no and then she’s subjected to cajoling, blaming, and now shaming. Whether it’s at a Hollywood negotiation table or a fraternity party—no means no, y’all.

As I recall, Catrall’s character spent most of the last movie yowling about not getting any, rolling around in a vat of yams, and screamyelling up some monologued garbage that seemed largely designed to be a western white woman being the savior to a bunch oppressed brown women, who may or may not actually feel the