Also, fuck Spanfeller and Maidment straight up the ass with a shovel.
Also, fuck Spanfeller and Maidment straight up the ass with a shovel.
The press is covering it, Bernie and Cory are tweeting and so forth.
Yes. Yes.
Fuck Paul Maidment.
Fuck Jim Spanfeller with a cactus.
It lives on. Streisand Effect, work your magic.
Fuck Paul Maidment.
I mean, anyone can make a new one. We all can make a new one, every day.
Piece of shit garbage cowards Spannie and Maidmen shut them both down, huh?
Just read this:
Hi Tercius, these products sound great.
Hi Tercius, these products sound great.
Can these CO cops find an apt. on 87th ST in NYC?
Beth, I’ve enjoyed your posts on interval training.
Chelsea, how much time of your day is spent now on LinkedIn looking for a new gig?
Chelsea, how much time of your day is spent now on LinkedIn looking for a new gig?
Spanfeller cannot achieve an erection, but Verizon, today’s sponsor, likes to kill kittens.
The autoplay on this page was for Verizon 4G, blah, blah, blah.
These motherfuckers still have autoplay ads going.
I saw that pic yesterday as well. I wonder who they tasked with moderating duties. Shep McCallister? The Inventory team?
I know that was weird.