
They should replace his actual picture with this and also not use his name.

Your Aunts sound like the best!

I’m of the idea that this can be good. These idiots won’t find anyone to marry. I would not like to marry an idiot that cared about “my number”. I rather be alone.

That story make me giggle and tear up! I surprise my nieces all the time, and never thought about what memories they are making from it. That’s good stuff, thanks for sharing.

That’s an awesome story! I still remember the day I was in the car with my mom, waiting in the drop-off line at my elementary school, when she turned to me and said, “Wanna play hooky today?” and took me to see “Oliver & Company.” :-)

I guess that makes me and anyone who loves this film and soundtrack a loser then? Fuck anyone who can’t just allow other people to love a film. You want to act as though Garden State is terrible? It’s not. Is it the end all be all greatest film of all time? It’s not that either. But to act as though it’s irredeemable

i am guessing he will be molded after hh holmes in ahs hotel.

Actually I love shit like that. Not exactly that, but like this:

If they’re looking for a restorer who will work cheap...

It’s not funny. It celebrates and perpetuates rape culture, and as a survivor of such a thing, I can tell you that it’s not funny. To me, these are fear-inducing, even now at age 39 and years of therapy to work on these issues. I still carry with me a fear of being raped and assaulted again, and if I had a daughter (i

Rape culture is one in which "he said" is always given more weight than "she said," even when "he" has boasted about being a sexual predator.

The Dad in this is a complete dipshit. What kind of asshat bypasses an opportunity to teach his children about nature and an appreciation of both the coolness of bears and the importance of staying the hell away from them and instead freaks them out by saying “that’s it for the pool kids”. Nice job, dickhead. It's

Jennifer has come a long way since appearing on that Bachelor show dressed as a panda. I’m happy for her.

My partner claims to hate these sorts of shows, but can get into Dateline NBC & watched The Jinx with me. And it looks like this.

You know what would really help the situation? If so-called “moderates” such as yourself:

A) Grew a fucking spine and stood up to the religious bigots and extremists who run the Republican party


He probably thinks pregnancy is no worse than putting a pillow under your shirt. Pregnancy was the most miserable time of my life, and I’m a grown, rather fit woman who had a “easy” pregnancy. That poor little girl. Huckabee is a sadistic shitstain. I frighten myself when I think of all the bad things I want to happen

OMG, the shower gift IS a wedding gift. The point of showers is so that people can buy gifts off the registry and not have to tote them to the wedding. Do people not realize that anymore???!!!

You should have shamed the shit out of her and replied, “I already bought you this, this, AND this. That’s 3 gifts by my count,

Home birth is great until you have to be carried naked through the streets of New Your by Hannah and Jessa and Laird.