
I’d start by disowning any friends and family you have who have ever voted Republican

Everyone in this country should read Underground Railroad. It is hard to take, eye-opening, but it is beautifully written and the story needs to be heard.

I’m so going to miss him especially how intellegence he is.

My wife gave birth to our son 3 weeks ago. Every morning, they would tell my wife a password/color combination that would be used for the next 24 hour period that a nurse would have to tell us before they were able to take the baby for testing (hearing test, bilirubin, etc). As other commenters have mentioned,

The hospital my daughter was born in has a secured entry way to the maternity floor. Only two visitors allowed (with the exception of the parents of course) and the baby stays with the mother unless there are complications. You usually see fathers and mothers only walking like zombies on the floor. I remember

A few years ago, someone stole a baby from our local hospital. The only reason the baby was recovered was because someone saw the kidnapper changing from scrubs into regular clothes next a park near the hospital, followed the person, and then wrote down their license plate. Which is not weird for our town; EVERYONE is

As others have said its not too bad. My daughter (2.5 now) was born, given to us, then we were escorted back to the delivery room from surgery where they tagged the baby and my wife with sensors and bar coded me (since I was in and out of the hospital and parental areas).

I cannot even imagine the pain this poor girl’s mother has gone through. The hospital where I gave birth allowed the baby to room in with us and let a parent go with the baby whenever he or she left the room for a test or whatever. We also all had matching wristbands with a matching ID number that they put on all

I don’t have kids yet, but I’m already such a fiercely maternal mama bear (who already herds wayward tots, in public) that, if it came down to them literally needing to take my baby out of the room due to special medical circumstances, and I were weak/out of it, to the point where “over my dead body” at least felt

We ended up at a different hospital than expected due to a C-section, and man were they tight on security. The matching wristbands, alarmed ankle monitor on baby, closed maternity ward, hospital lockdown.

Can’t speak for every hospital, but in mine you can’t even enter the area without going through a locked door. All babies wear sensors on them that will sound an alarm if they are removed or even get near the door. Sounds like she posed as a nurse, which would also be impossible nowadays and every transfer of the baby

Nowadays, you are LUCKY if you end up in a hospital with a nursery. Hospitals are joining the Baby Friendly Hospital Intiative which requires rooming in and allows hospitals to get rid of well-baby nurseries. I specifically chose the hospital I delivered at last month knowing I wanted that option. The other place in

I wasn’t worried about my baby being mixed up, but I just wanted to keep them with me. Clean them up, swaddle them and return them to my arms.

Our local hospital won’t let you NOT have the baby with you. And mum and dad and baby have matching hospital bracelets as identifiers. You’d have a really hard time getting a baby out of there. Thanks goodness. This is just a messed up situation all around.

Just had a baby 6 weeks ago. They only took her once for hearing test and the few other newborn items and she was back in 20 minutes. They didnt have a nursery.

They lock maternity wards down so tight now, it’s crazy. My kid was an hour old and had on a proximity alarm, three bar codes that corresponded to me, and a microchip. No exaggeration. And my hospital required babies to room in with the parents.

Every delivery ward I’ve been in in the past 10 years have a system so that this never happens. They baby has a monitor attached to them and there are sensors that if they’re taken beyond them, go off. Security is tight.


they do this whenever it gets cold. i’ve lived here for years and they always do it.

John Waters is supremely cavalier and dismissive and that is precisely why we love him.