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    Oh god, I can only imagine... And in hindsight I can live with the fact that I never made it to a frat party in college for that very reason! I imagine that’s what a lot of college guys’ living stsndards were like.

    I don’t know. This isn’t to say the geek system is not without its (numerous) problems, but I was indifferent at best to fraternities before I met my fiancée (years after college.) He was in a fraternity and I was terrified to meet his friends after stories like we hear all the time. But they are the goofiest,

    I had a similar emotional journey watching The Shining this month and developing a weird crush on Jack Nicholson. Whatever. He was damn good looking.

    I love this thread! And it seems like an appropriate one to ask a question I’ve had for a bit now. I like to smoke in the evenings, as well, but am planning to start trying to get pregnant in the next year or so. Does anyone know how long before you start trying to conceive you should stop smoking? I haven’t been

    Might be too late for anyone to see, but tea tree oil! I started using it last year as an acne spot treatment (do not ever use any of the ones they sell specifically for that anymore- this not dry your skin out and leave a giant scaly spot.) Then I included it in my hair routine to cure dandruff. And now I use it in a

    Oh, ha, my mistake then! I shouldn’t comment right before bed.....

    Jesus. This seems like an appropriate and well adjusted response to an otherwise happy and innocuous post.

    I think you nailed it. Maybe down the road it makes sense for some people, but anyone trying to claim that it’s crazy to cut someone out of your life entirely after a breakup probably is going through a breakup right now and trying to justify it to themselves.

    I read through this whole thread before replying. Not one point you made negates the cruelty and torture of keeping these animals in tiny tanks. Did you not read the part in the article where it compared the distance orcas travel in the wild to what they have at Sea World? That alone is all you need to recognize what

    This seems like a big deal. Is it a big deal? I keep waiting for the final nail in their coffin and it hasn't happened. Seems like this would be the logical beginning of the end doe them if they can't legally keep breeding them.

    Nooo. I was aware he was a douche of the conservative variety, but now this image will haunt my Frasier binge watching. Guess it's #teamniles now. He's funnier anyway.

    I think I read it's supposed to be released November 5th. Good luck!!

    It’s definitely a real thing, and if it’s anything like previous collaborations, it will be a shit storm of epic proportions. Everything will end up on Ebay after 15 minutes and the only thing left will be a few sad earrings and one lonely shoe.

    I’m sort of relieved that none of this stuff looks wearable in my life. The Lilly Pulitzer for Target fiasco was all I had in me for these collaborations. I’m sure this will be 1,000x worse.

    Did anyone see the BSB documentary that came out recently? It's basically a full length feature of this exact video... So much scripted crying and drama. And I say that as someone who still prefers BSB over NSync, in spite of much evidence that the latter was superior in many ways.

    You don’t think that’s what a gun nut will resort to when threatened with getting it taken away? I never said it was ideal, just probably realistic.

    That’s a tough position to be in. I’m planning my wedding right now, and while we are fortunate enough to have awesome parents, my maternal grandparents are not only not invited, we didn’t even tell them about the wedding. My grandmother is a self righteous Southern Baptist martyr who only makes my mom and the rest of

    That's my frustration. If more support for a constitutional amendment didn't happen after Newtown, why would it happen now?

    I’m so full of a terrible mix of impotent rage, frustration, apathy, shame, and sadness. I looked at the Instagram hashtag for this story last night and was disheartened, but not surprised, to see two distinct tones in posts. One was sadness and sympathy for the victims, the other was a screenshot of Bill O’Reilly

    The part where I said I brought nothing else...?