Yes, the prep work is usually a pain, but it's so nice doing it all the night before and then having something delicious for lunch and dinner the next day! And you can't beat the way the smell wafts through the whole house...
Yes, the prep work is usually a pain, but it's so nice doing it all the night before and then having something delicious for lunch and dinner the next day! And you can't beat the way the smell wafts through the whole house...
YUM. And bonus, it sounds so easy! That's going on the shopping list for the week.
Ooh, this is a good one. I would love to make a living one day sewing and selling beautiful dresses. Which is wild because my sewing skills are not excellent. Neither are my business skills. So I'll just keep spending money buying them!
Just reading that actually activated my gag reflex.
Ooh, finally caught SNS! Of course, now I can't think of what to say...
Oh, geez, that's a good one, too. I wish I'd been in your youth group! You sound like way more fun to sit next to than the girl with the Nalgene water bottle covered in Jesus fish bumperstickers.
Yikes, this reminds me way too much of youth group lessons (AFTER the boys and girls were separated, of course) from way back in my misguided Christian days. Anyone else have those memories? I remember our "super cool" youth pastor giving us an analogy where sex before marriage= all those dudes in a big bed with your…
SO bad. It sounded like she was trying to talk with a bunch of gum shoved into the sides of her mouth.
If it ever comes out that Martin Short is as dickish as Chevy Chase or Bill Murray, I'll just give up on life because I adore him. He just seems like the nicest, most charming person ever on top of being hilarious. He needs to be around more often.
That was the point- Emma Stone wasn't supposed to "be" Roseanne Rosannadanna. She was herself impersonating one of her favorite classic SNL characters. Melissa McCarthy did Chris Farley's motivational speaker right after that.
Oh my god, reading literally anything to do with Gamergate or the gaming world is like trying to understand a language I don't speak. It might have been cheesy, but when Finn is translating all the lingo for Olivia early in the episode, I was like, "Thank god!"
It's kind of mystifying to discover your once celeb crush is widely considered to be a dickhole. I had a gigantic crush on Zach Braff when Scrubs was airing and I was in high school. Even though there seems to be a fountain of evidence that he just plain sucks, 15 year old me is like, "Nooo. Not J.D., please say it's…
I was listening to the Pop Culture Happy Hour review of this film when they mentioned this. I thought it was a joke at first. Upon realizing they were dead serious, I almost ran off the road laughing.
Seriously. I can't even enjoy him getting "burned" because I hate seeing his smug face so much. And every time someone says the title of his book, I want to hurl.
I live in Denver and was reading the other day that City Council members were protesting the show, but pushback from AEG (the company selling the tickets) and other city council members saying he hadn't been formally accused or tried for anything would make it unethical to cancel the show. My parents almost bought…
It sounds like she's been wearing Spanx for a bit too long. Someone's cranky from the restriction of blood flow...
No kidding. I figured Selma would sweep it all, or at least be neck and neck with The Imitation Game. Boyhood? Really?
My friends and I all get together and watch all the film awards with our own ballots. So many surprises this year! Mostly good ones (totally vindicated in my love for Jane the Virgin now!!) but my score was abysmal. I had Selma pegged for every category it was nominated in and it only won song?? At least Into the…
In high school I was babysitting for a young, nervous family who'd never had a babysitter. I assured them everything would be fine.