Yes, by the grace of all gods, Collinsworth is finally gone. If only Sunday Night Football could get rid of him too.
Yes, by the grace of all gods, Collinsworth is finally gone. If only Sunday Night Football could get rid of him too.
A lot of people have solid reasons, or stories of how they got an XBOX cheap and they are on a strict budget etc... You have a SDTV someone gave you or bought 10 years ago, an XBOX you bought used etc.., you don't have a job maybe.
This is mean, yet hilarious :) You should put some GOTY stamps on there in a month or 2
I have the ME series on my XBOX, but no XBLG, is Silver SOOL for ME3? I haven't cracked the case yet, working on a 2nd playthrough of ME1
This is the High Res version of the Amazing Lizard
Bobby K is laughing all the way to the bank. But not with my money, the buck stopped at COD MW 1 for me. 600p resolution on consoles? Eff that weak-sauce.
This was a PC game, what was the lowest resolution it ran on a PC? 720p? It's a quirk, but understandable. 480i split 4 ways, that's some N64 level shit right there.
Thank you mr ninja. This guy gets it.
23 times? I can't even remember the last time there was a Madden topic. But as you know, holding down X is indeed an "innovation" they launched a couple of years ago.
We're talking about EA sports tho ... which means we can have Chris Collinsworthless and no defense :)
Exactly man, I went to the NHL EA Boards and people were too shell shocked and scarred to even talk about it. When I was asking for help on how to play Defense they all just laughed because the D AI is so busted they've just learned to accept it and try new slider sets every week.
Jump in a lake kid. How dare you call me a homophobe. You don't know the first thing about me and none of my posts have ever had anything homophobic in them.
In California, that's a huge uphill climb. I've known a few at my company who have tried to sue for age discrimination, all of them settled before trial. Free money for them, I know the people, they were not fired for age. They were laid off because we don't need more than 1 admin assistant per director.
I'm glad they are polishing the knobs of ESPN talking heads instead of making the game fun to play. It's of the utmost importance that Madden be about ESPN personalities making yuck yuck jokes and blowhards like Bermann shouting.
Remotely related? Or directly mentioned in the article? She works on NHL 12, and us NHL 12 owners demand justice!
Gay men don't want to be a woman, they want to be a man, with a man. Male to Female Trans is someone who feels/wants/needs to identify as a woman.
Depends on the state laws. Here in CALI any company can lay off whoever they want, whenever. As long as they don't just overtly fire someone for race/gender ID etc...
Trans, not trans, I don't care, but FIX THE GAD DAMN DEFENSIVE AI IN NHL! and the freezing in NHL12. Seriously EA get with it.
Did you catch me raging? No. As others have pointed out, there is only so much money. When they put those resources on the MP, it takes away from SP.
We don't hate MP. In fact I've played hundreds of MP games over the years, and some of my fav games of all time were MP only MMOs.