I used to rent from Gamefly.
I used to rent from Gamefly.
Thing is, I like Liam N a lot in other movies. But he acted like himself, he didn't act like Ra's, he didn't look the part, and the only reason he was Ra's was because the movie told us so.
Trickle down is hilarious. Oh if only the fat cats get more and more money, eventually they will be so fat and full that some will trickle down the sides of their stuffed mouths, dribble over their bloated bellies, and then us regular folk can fight over the slobber that they don't notice is missing.
Well my company ranks in the top places to work in the US every year :) so I actuall have it the "easiest" compared to other companies in my industry.
Actually I'm a red sox fan, and an Everquest fan so I actually do have love for MMOs, Curt, RPGs and MMOs.
You're coming at this the wrong way. If you have a comment about a review, starting in with "you guys hate this game" is a little bit too [IGN.com] style commenter.
You could have just posted the comparison without getting personal.
Yes, A.I. is the bottleneck for single player games right now. But some games use scripts and don't really need much A.I. Heavy Rain is one example.
He hasn't said anything most of us don't already know.
Finally Curt is living up to his blowhard right wing rants. He is paying back his loan, and in true Mitt Romney fashion, the money comes out of the pockets of the lowly employees.
My iPhone has the same issue, I hate no swap batteries. But I've been lucky with my Dualshocks
I do the same with films, word of mouth/ net chatter. But even with movies, especially recent hollywood stuff, I don't feel like I'm missing anything.
Exactly, the voiced protag was different, but not objectively better. And as you summed up, for many RPG long timers, it made the game have less replay and it made the story worse, one could say objectively that the voiced protag was like re-used dungeons, a net loss.
In another universe, this game could have been an excellent Isometric Baldur's Gate II style RPG on the PSN/XBL.
Exactly, you had to buy extra add ons for the XBOX controllers to make them rechargable. The "Solution" was to suck extra money out of first time buyers.
Great game, I hate episodic but I went and bought Ep 1 to support them.
People need to remember that Curt Schilling is a hard core right winger who is known for running his mouth on topics he is not well thought out on.
Actually what happened is KoA was made by a different team that was merged with 38 studios, then they mashed up the staff and the result was the generic and lifeless, KoA. A game that was not what was originally in development and not what 38 studios wanted to make either.
Yes, a long running trope. But the whole "world goes black" everyone becomes a cowboy, secret item and sneaky dude with text only computer just seems point for point.