Screw THQ, they dropped Summoner, one of my fav PS2 RPGs of all time in favor of GENKI BOWL and that most recent Red Faction game that completely ruined the series.
Screw THQ, they dropped Summoner, one of my fav PS2 RPGs of all time in favor of GENKI BOWL and that most recent Red Faction game that completely ruined the series.
Spoken like a true Don Draper fan. I'm sure Wall Street and old money white CEOs just cant wait to embrace diversity? Just sit back and wait right? That's always the best way to effect change.
Bro-shep voice acting is HORRIBLE compared to Fem-Shep. I played ME2 as Bro shep and regretted it for 25+ hours.
//...dressed in slouchy windbreakers, cargo pants, and baggy jeans...//
3D printing sounds good on paper. But it smells a lot like the non-gas powered car. Technology that is ready, but will be blocked for 20-30 years by established industries.
Excellent job pointlessly flaming and insulting large groups of people! ... because you like Fable?
Wait, so in 20 years we won't wear clothes or use plates and bowls?
1. Pay to win MicroTransactions
Well I'm from the East Coast so I guess that's why I found it easy. But I don't talk with much slang, and most of the slang I do use is from the internet or gaming or whatever. I also don't run with gangs or anything
I know it's a viscious cycle. However if we got back to actually making products in this country, we could get out of debt by actually selling product we make, instead of just buying more product and more debt.
Yes I know about that process all too well. Typically a week delay. Games like DCUO have effectively doubled their revenue by being on the PSN tho.
I've played console and PC mmos for years. Patching and content issues is an extremely broad statement that is certainly not console exclusive.
No, because I *could* buy it for the PC. Because they aren't making a PS3 version, I am choosing to not buy any version. Nothing is preventing me from buying it on the PC
AA doesn't make clothing, they sell sweatpants to 17 year olds.
// Fable did a fantasy world in a more interesting way. //
When I think of the best 10 RPGs of all time, ALL of them start very slow and get MUCH BETTER later.
Half Life, Uncharted, Killzone are all Franchises. The games in those franchise vary in quality from game to game.
Wow kid. Nice E-Rage against Kotaku and way to troll/insult everyone in the thread.
The slang in The Wire is only hard to understand if you're not American or have never been to a major city in the USA.
amazing how much money gets spent on making so many bad games.