Mahmet Tokarev (Tajik Pride)

Man I don't get the Felicity love either. She is not as pretty as Laurel, let alone Thea. She's also not as likable as Sarah was (RIP). The ranking of Arrow females was Sarah > Thea > Felicity = Laurel. They also seem to have given Felicity Thea's old job of getting angry at people for stupid reasons and being

This is progress. I was arrested at a Tim Horton's in Saskatoon for asking them to "Irish up" my coffee. Apparently that's "Hate Speech" now.

I love Person of Interest but it has lost a step this season, IMO. It is in serious danger of not being the best show on Tuesday at this point.

I assumed you were 4150 years old.

These are the end times for Dewey Crowe!

Person of Interest is actually a really great show, I don't know why AV Club has to be so snarky about it.

I was rewatching Season 1 of Archer recently and damn, the animation has really improved since then. This episode was absolutely gorgeous.

I flat out do not believe that The Slap is a real show. Peter Sarsgaard is in a show with Uma Thurmon? About slapping a kid? Really?

Am I the only one who wants more one-off stories with weird villains mixed in with the season long arch?

I think being politically correct for once left a bad taste in their mouths and they felt the need to reestablish their offensiveness cred.

So I guess both Thea and Laurel are going to become superheroes/villains now. The show is running out of Muggle characters. How many episodes until Felicity is either killed off or becomes a costumed avenger?

I was surprised no one else mentioned that. Stick of Truth is probably the best video game I've played in years.

No. I wasn't thinking that. Why would Thea shoot Sara?

I understand the mistake, but that isn't a bear penis, it's Sarah Silverman.

The guy who owns the Ambassador Bridge (Matty Maroun) is an idiot and the Canadians especially hate him.

Did you know that Hello Kitty ISNT a cat?! Everyone in Japan knew!

Also don't forget about how he and Kimber got addicted to meth and then he started doing gay pornos for meth money!

You had me going for a minute but then I saw "Jost was good" and knew you were trolling.

Are you kidding me? Jost is a turd!

I used to love Clone High during its original MTV run (I was 14 at the time, so I did not yet realize MTV was FRICKIN LAME.)