
Meh, Indiana and Illinois don’t have great convenience store chains. I do enjoy how once you cross the border into Wisconsin, literally every gas station c-store has a selection of cheese, sausage and New Glarus.

My neighborhood has convenience stores almost every other block, but none are chains. The one closest to my house is my favorite. It’s owned by an elderly Japanese couple who live above the store and seemingly never take a day off (it’s open 9 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. seven days a week and one or both of them has been there

Not sure if you are the director or we just watched different shows. This one, the one I watched, was a complete pile of trash. 

casting director: we’ve got money for both donald sutherland and nicole kidman!

After her whole briefing about ‘Show no emotion,’ she’s a frantic psycho by the 10th OBJECTION OBJECTION OBJECTION!!! She should have just screamed “But he’s exposing my client’s guilt your honor!!”

Maybe the worst written court room scenes of all time. 

You can tell the defense lawyer is good because she gets visibly exasperated when her objection is overruled - all three times she raises it - then sits back down in a huff.

Five episodes in, I’m still not sure what I feel about this show. Bored is part of it. Also, I think directors overestimate how interesting it is to watch long closeups of a mum Kidman looking all mysterious. It’s a very one-note performance, to me. I usually like Kidman’s work but here, I have nothing to hang on to,

Since Ivanka apparently never bothered to hide her shitty character from the beginning, why on earth would you want to be friends with her in the first place?

Um...if they were together for a decade, or were married with 2.5 kids, I would understand the theatrics.

I want to see some sort of spread sheet consisting of how many of the times Pete was mysteriously absent from the show vs. when Larry appeared on the show as Bernie Sanders

The star of this episode was Nicole Kidman’s dress at the fundraiser. Good god, it was STUNNING.

Same. I thought this is the most beautiful she’s looked since Moulin Rouge or maybe even going back to Dead Calm.

Nicole Kidman looks just insanely beautiful in this episode. 

Thank you! I’ve been reading these stories since they started on Gawker, and it’s the one thing I look forward to in the fall. I might try again to share it for the next round of stories. 

I love this bingo card SO much

PS I am a like-minded snarky creative person, and I created a custom scary stories bingo card that would be hilarious for this year’s stories but I’m forever banished in gray space as I read much, comment infrequently. Can you help a gal out and make this bingo card visible so it can be shared? For now, my creative

Yes! I’ve been scrolling these for days and I’m being driven potty by all these creepy pastas. Please no more ouija boards, no more “let’s call him “Dave” and no more effing ‘sensitives’. This is not creative writing at the learning annex. If it is made up, at least have the decency to not drone on for three

When In New Orleans

The real creeps in your story were the jerks who ditched you! What kind of people just leave a mom and child to deal with someone like that?!