
I feel so badly for this kid. Not for the obvious reason of having a ridiculous name, but for having these two as parents. They only see this baby as some type of an extension of their attention-seeking, art-experimentation, me-me-me lives, not as an individual person with their own personality, likes, dislikes, and

I am so fucking over people like this. And who knew there were so many of them?! <weeps for humanity>

YES YES YES this. My husband and I have a saying now: “They won’t get it....till they GET IT.”

Guys, I caught COVID-19. It SUCKED. And I had the “mild” version, meaning I didn’t have to be hospitalized. I am on *DAY 50* since start of symptoms and I am recovering, but I am nowhere near back to normal. I was in self-isolation for nearly 4 weeks. I am still having horrible dizzy spells, weakness, fatigue like you

Someone recently ran for office in my area, introduced herself as DOCTOR at every event. Her website had a caduceus on it, she insisted on being addressed as Dr. in all correspondence, her yard signs all said Dr. She would begin every speech with “I am a physician. We need more medical and health experts elected to

Thank you! It really does suck and is just awful. Mine has been mild compared to the nightmares of people needing hospitalization but I am n=only starting to feel better now after two weeks. Cheers to you, we can keep each other company :)

I have it and am sequestered away too in my room. Day #13! This is the longest I have not touched my kids in their entire lives and the longest I haven’t touched my husband in our entire marriage. It is SO WEIRD.


I like the way that looks, but oy, was that website awful.

Ugh, the MFM overkill (sorry) from the hosts can really grate.

I for one appreciate your musical references. Bravo!

I am at a loss SO...we adopted 2 kitties from the shelter today and named them INDIANA JONES and WONDER WOMAN since we needed cats with Nazi-fighting experience. This is literally all I’ve got.

I’m dying over here! Laughing so hard I’m shaking the bed so much I might wake up Mr.Mahler. Lordy did I need a break from Trump news! Babies buttholes it is.


No way, don’t start this contest. My OB said otherwise and the severe hematoma I developed after the vaginal birth of my monster baby (now he’s 6'2 and just graduated 8th Grade, men’s size 14 shoe, he’s been huge since the day he was born) was much worse than a c-section because of the location of my injury. Hard

Please don’t use typically female insults. That’s what Bill Maher does all the time and it rankles.

And his feet are soooo small which gives me the shudders.

This article is supremely poorly written and edited.

From your lips to God’s ears.

Mary? My older sister who has all sorts of medical issues but refuses to take medications for because THEY’RE CHEMICALS, is that you?