
You sit there in Washington so frightened of the big, bad Republican machine you have no idea what people are thinking. I’m telling you right now, Tom DeLay is going to lose in his district. If Democrats in Washington haven’t got enough sense to OWN the issue of political reform, I give up on them entirely.

Fingers crossed Dr. Beverly Woo doesn’t look like this!

“You look really great, by the way.”

I’m wondering why he’d shower before working out.

The ad was wrong on so many levels!

HAHAHAHA, came here to say this, but figured someone had already beaten me to it. Those internet comments ere so scathing, they CUT OFF HIS TAINT. Poor guy. 

Me too! No matter my age, my brain still processes information like 14 a year old. ;)

Me reading his comment: Haha, he said ‘TAINT!

“I currently sit here hoping that I’ll be able to continue auditioning for commercials without any taint,” he writes.

No one cares about your boner

Beware the forthcoming 100% tariff on Maple syrup.

That helped. I asked because I dislike misunderstanding people, and jumping to unwarranted conclusions; and I dislike it when people don’t put in the effort to understand me, or, worse, intentionally misconstrue me (as in other message exchanges on the former Gawker websites as recently as today).

Please help me understand: is the issue that this candidate was trying to use his sexual innuendos to seduce you, or harass you, or demean you, or is he just clueless and tasteless, or something else? I feel as if there’s something left unsaid. No problem if you prefer to leave it unsaid.

“It’s about the power dynamic. It’s about entitlement. It’s about punishing someone if she didn’t give him what he wanted.”

The thing that comes to mind about this, is the same that comes to mind about other celebrities who have been accused of similar (or worse) offenses: if he wanted sex, he didn’t need to behave that way. He may not have been able to have sex with x person, but he probably could have had consensual sex with y or z person

I wonder how many women’s careers hestunted or ruined because they weren’t “affectionate” back. He’s Weinstein’d his way out of my classical music collection. Then again, this behavior appears to be the global norm. 

I sometimes wonder how different or a person I’d be without the Catholic guilt.

I think of being Catholic in two ways: 1). The religion. 2) the establishment...

I think of myself as culturally Catholic; it is part of the landscape of my childhood and family, but it I can’t support the actual Church, and I don’t believe in a lot of what it teaches. But at the same time, it was part of what shaped me and I can not deny it completely. 

Fun private corporate jet story: Years ago, I worked on the reshoots of a Rob Reiner film in Aspen. I think it was scheduled mostly so that Rob and the crew could go skiing. I was totally broke at the time - so no skiing for me. The production office asked me if I wanted to go home early on the “Lear” with Rob. I said