
I posted this elsewhere, but as a Chinese American I’m glad Mercy can wear this. I used to play Overwatch and mained Phara, Roadhog & Symmetra. I didn’t like Mei’s toolkit so I didn’t play her. But as Chinese I loved having Chinese skins available to my other characters so I could see myself represented in how I

I don't know the writer of this article but Kenneth Shepard doesn't seem like a terribly Asian name to me. Are any Asian people actually upset? If they are let's talk about that but lets cut it out with the offended on others behalf bullshit.

Americans use the terms “cultural appropriation” and evenblack face” so incorrectly they’ve completely lost all meaning. You stupid fucks need to figure out what you’re upset about quick because one day something actually offensive will happen and we won’t have the language to describe it

this is all a work.  

I think that particular problem belongs in the category “Don’t care. Go fuck yourself. Gotta get back to work.”

I’ve played every Diablo ever. I enjoy Diablo Immortal. Like, a lot. And I’ll never spend a dime on it. 

I’m sorry but no. You didn’t discuss gameplay “for paragraphs.” You discussed that the objectives weren’t inspiring, and that the experience was a tad on rails. Sure, we’ll one too every Call of Duty ever. This very site had an article making fun of how the cinematic MW2 came apart at the seam when you ignore NPC

This article fails to mention one key piece when stating you “shouldn’t play” Vanguard.

It’s extremely easy to snap up a couple lines, present them out of context, to make a bad point (that seems good)... it’s extremely difficult to illustrate the point that a nuanced interaction between statements (spread out over 90 minutes) are actually conveying. This is why journalism is supposed to be difficult.

Moreoral Compass gets it. Don’t even waste more time on these idiots dude, they already had someone make up their minds for them

What’s funny is he makes fun of you specifically in the special. If you watched the entire special (sounds like you didn’t) and came away with, “Dave is transphobic”, then I don’t know what you were watching. I laughed, I cried, I empathized with multiple parties. This was stand-up at its highest level and i pity you

I’ve watched the special multiple times and I’m not hearing where the offense is coming from. Is it because he claimed to be team TERF? How is that harmful to you or anyone else? You disagree with him, he disagrees with you. We’re entering a territory of sterilization. Actually, he kind of called out what would

Its Kotaku. They’re mad white people exist and we’re all evil.

As an artist, who considers themselves liberal even , I really don’t understand the resentment and politicization of the headline/article. It is a render test. Technology and processes that would propagate across multiple characters of different ethnicity and genders. Many games have more representation than ever

Shhhh, them facts and common sense and nuanced thinking don’t generate clicks like faux outrage does - what does it matter that the faux outrage makes progressives look like hypocritical idiots?

Hmmm, I mean, one of your examples can be made into any person you want, one is evil, one is furry, one with a middle aged woman (super rare!) and we are seeing more and better examples of representation. I get it’s not happening fast enough, but my frustration is that this is now just coming across as in-fighting

Trans folks are experiencing an unprecedented onslaught from right-wing politicians seeking ways to legally discriminate against their existence.

A 3-week event turned in to a 2-week event. Hysterical.

Fuck this headline. I love it.

The stereotype of these particular gay men doesn’t bug me all that much. Yes it’s an old trope, but played for laughs it can still be quite funny. I don’t feel represented (I’m gay, but don’t identify with this overly flowery behavior) but I also don’t feel offended when I see this stereotype. See Bolson in Breath of