
Ardenweald is great but the next zone, Ravendreth is even better.  Vampire/Bloodborne style zone.  So awesome

She is getting cancelled for that???  WOW liberals making me hate identifying as a liberal.  They are turning into the book burning morality police that the right used to be. 

As a white person I can assure you that a lot of us are happy about this too.  Let’s hope that it takes out the whole family.

The game looks fun but one minor gripe. I wish they would have went for it and made the girl a crazy bandicoot too. Maybe its because I’m gay but the pretty girl additional character is about as old and tired as me (I’m 41). I’m sure its fine and suits the story but girl characters can be goofy and weird too.

Its far from overrated. Its a beautiful game that was a joy to play. I’d rather just have the original remastered for PS5.

Deleted since this was added to the wrong comment sorry!

Its clearly ‘So longeh, Bowser’ using Mario’s well known speech.   Why is this even a mystery?

I absolutely love it.

There is too much to play right now anyway. I’d rather just see everything big pushed to PS5

In my opinion the REAL Zelda games are the 2-D ones (or overhead, but I’ll continue to use 2-D). Its no small amount that think A Link to the Past (and now possibly A Link Between Worlds) is the best Zelda game of all time. Personally I feel like the 3-D ones are filler as I wait for another 2-D installment. I am of