
And better yet, the baby is a JR. I FUCKING LOVE IT. And to tie it back in with the OP, I also love that Serena’s been candid about how difficult the birth was. The more talk about pregnancy experiences, personal choices, and maternal health is normalized, the better.

0011011 means 0011011

Check with a different OBGYN, because I asked when I was 26 and my doctor told me that cap age is bullshit and even if you already have HPV, you should still get the vaccine to protect from other strains.

Sigh. It’s true. :(

A friend of mine had a torsion and her ovary hit an artery. Had she not already been in the waiting room of an ER because of the excruciating pain, she would have bled out and died.  

I was told I had a “persistent darkness” in my love life, that had attached itself to money (convenient!) So clearly, I needed to give more of my money to her so I could be free to finally find love. NOPE.

Thing is, it doesn’t sound like it was her idea in the first place. She kind of gave herself away when she said ‘I wanted to see if Anthony was still up to his old antics’ - how many 15 year-old girls do you know who follow Anthony Weiner and his antics on Twitter and use the fact that Hillary is running for president

I love it when you can tell what year a person peaked by their hairstyle.

I’m afraid I have little advice to offer the first writer, but what a loser that other chick is. A six month, no sex, emotional-only affair with some married jackass she kissed once five years ago and who has a baby on the way? You’re lame, girl. Get a fucking hobby.

You may choose as you wish, sport. Fetii are not autonomous and non-sentient. They don’t have “wants”. I assume you’ve adopted kids from the foster care system, right? Put your time and money where your misguided mouth is.

It’s amazing how much love people project onto an embryo inside a woman’s body (as long as she doesn’t want it there) and how much disdain they’ll give an actual grown human person.

I’ve just not been able to determine, at any point in the last 10 years, who Gap thought they were making clothes for. I still enjoy their Gap Body stuff, and when their athletic stuff is on sale I’ll take a peek, but their regular clothes are just so fucking bizarre. It’s like hey, what if we took regular t-shirts


I found a combination of direct confrontation and indirect correction works with passive aggressive comments from my mom.

Also: just a thought on the whole wanting-the-kids-to-have-some-relationship-with-their-grandmother thing. Why? What benefit is there to cultivating a relationship with toxic person? If you are able to manage it so that there is enough distance and superficiality in the relationship that the toxicity doesn’t get a

If you’re suggesting Sandy for Pres, I second your nom. She’s already saved Peter Gallagher from the L, the world from cyberterrorists, and herself from space. Some Republicans might be against the whole jumping-off-the-roof-every-Halloween thing, but she did save all those beauty queens when she was an F.B.I.

I was going to say “depression and poverty”, but “I’m a millenial” is basically the same answer.

Let me fucking tell you..

That’s definitely at least part of it. No, I don’t want to hang out at the mall. No, I don’t want to wander around a department store. No, I don’t want to pay $15 to eat at a chain restaurant that serves chicken that’s objectively worse than what I can make.

I really, really liked Baby Driver. If you like Edgar Wright movies, definitely check it out. As for Atomic Blonde... If you like the Bourne movies but wanted it set during the Cold War with action that was actually well-choreographed, I’d check it out.