
I had the same thought as you.. I also think we’re around the same age (30). Been with my boyfriend almost 2 years, and family & friends incessantly question us about “when”. It makes me feel crazy because this pressure is NOT coming from me (I do want to be married, but we live together, so what’s the rush?). The

could not finish before i came down here to tell you i am in tears and thankful for this take and so eloquently put!!! it puts the misery into words. thank you.

Speaking of wading through dickpicks, I got a “self suck” pic once.

Mom knew too!

The dynamic of 3 girls is QUITE interesting. I second this.


It’s crazy the guilt that is associated with a c-section. Not sure if it’s a cultural/generational thing. My cousin had a (shameful! according to her mother in law) c-section and is breastfeeding her child, and never wastes an opportunity to make comments to her sister in law (vaginal birth but no luck breast feeding)


agree with this- reading in this week after a (benign) argument. good ideas and reminders of how to approach difficult topics, but also ways to relate to your partner that seem obvious, but are broken down and manageable.

She was not complaining, it’s a piece highlighting real jobs held by real women, and showing the underbelly of a CLEARLY broken system.

In the car with my boyfriend, casually mention “How do stores like ‘Wild Birds Unlimited’ even compete with the internet?” as we are passing one on the road…. all my ads the next day were for wild birds unlimited and exotic bird shops. It’s sick.

when the pawn!!

Same exact experience (minus mom’s attack) but, I actually did try to adopt, and was turned away for not having a “vet record”. I also got a puppy, for the exact reasons as you mentioned (interaction with dogs, bonding). My 2.5 year old Springer Spaniel has a pretty amazing life and I can’t wait until I can add to my

I had to keep reminding myself: when you are texting someone new in your life with “small talk”... there’s not much to talk about. Don’t expect non-stop chatter from them, save that for your friends.

DON’T introduce him to Kate Somerville.. my Sephora habit is now supported by mine, for the Kate products!

turning 30, unmarried. MOH 3 times in the last two years. burnout is real. know where I can sell any of these several chiffon dresses in varying shades of lavender?

I’m late to this party, but any advice, or anyone experience something similar? My friend (single, white, female) lives just outside of Nashville, alone in her home. She took an Uber last weekend to a friends house. While in the Uber she plugged her phone & cord into the Uber driver’s usb port, of course after asking

cute springer!!

It’s actually a management theory. Alignment of goals/ideals means you can work together towards a common ideal. Having shared “interests”, means both parties goals will be met.

Also, after talking with my PCP, I have antibiotics on standby for the really deep, painful cysts. I don’t complete a full regimen, but given the nature of the cysts, she is in agreement that this is the best course of action.