
Because nice is relative. Alaska, Norway, Siberia are not nice places for a soft first worlder like yourself, and yet millions of people collectively live in these places. 

This is what it looks like to embrace an utterly defeatist mentality. As President John F. Kennedy “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do this other things... not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” That line right there helped galvanize public support to go the moon. Apparently great things

But the question is, what on Earth and in mankind’s name would they be fighting for after multiple major detonations decimate concentrated populations and spread radioactive particles everywhere, and after the dust cloud obscures the sign and all plant life dies?

Putin is so rational it hurts. You do not get to the top of the voracious food chain that is inner Russian politics without cold, hard calculation. There is no point in annexing Crimea or the Baltics if the world has turned to ash.

To me, this just gives me the feeling the Gary Johnson isn’t even trying. You could literally learn this shit in five minutes on Google. He goes to a freaking town-hall format interview where FOREIGN AFFAIRS might be brought up, and you don’t think to at least do a little bit of research before showing up!??


To be fair to Liberal Democrats, you can’t solve all of the world’s problems with lasers, but you can solve a select few.