
I saw it. I did. I give it a tena out of tena

Thank you. The sadness comes back in waves, especially this week as Nicole’s father just died unexpectedly. He never left the house after her death, couldn’t go to the funeral, memorials, or her grave, and lived a year in anguish having his youngest child so violently taken and pretty much died of a broken heart.

I really hate hoverers. If you are going to hover, and make a mess, WIPE THE SEAT YOU BARBARIAN.

I parsed your first sentence as “draw out,” as in, remove from your pants, and then presumably body when you started talking about mailing it cross country. Now *that* is dedication.

I too send my wife Dick pics constantly, but it’s usually a picture of like Nixon bowling. I imagine they are just as effective as if I sent a picture of my penis.

I’m flattered that you think I am three whole men, but nope.