
Haha, that’s like saying you always wanted to get into running...
and you start with a marathon.

considering how insanely shit HOI3 was at launch, this seems kinda silly to compare the two

You don’t understand how calling HoIIV “mainstream”, or that it’s even approaching the approaches of mainstream, is an absurd thing to say?

Unfortunately, they’re starting to take a step back from it to go “mainstream” as evidenced by Hearts of Iron 4.

I’m curious where they’re going to take this show, but a part of me hopes is not a Federation/Klingon joint venture. For one, it would heavily alter if not completely negate the monumental occurrence of Worf being the first Klingon to graduate the academy and serve on a Federation ship. For two, is inconsistent with

I think the lack of sleakness is a feature, not a bug. After the Enterprise D ship design went through a weird phase of making all the ships aerodynamic, which- It’s a *space* ship! This looks like something built for space, like 1701.

Thankee sai

Now playing

Came here to say exactally this. I think they are heavily hinting at some kind of experimental hybrid Kilngon/Starfleet Alliance like right after the Khitomer accords. The design cues in the ship are very reminiscent of the more flat sweeping lines and Nacelles of the Klingon or Romulan Empires.

The Discovery. An early class of exploration starship, older even than the venerable Constitution class. But so well built, so well engineered, it was kept in service not merely for decades, but centuries.

Back in DS9 times I always wanted to see a spin-off where Worf’s family gets dishonored in some way that supersedes his allegiance to Star Fleet. He then steals the Defiant to go kick butt. O’Brien’s wife and kid get killed by the same baddies, so he get’s wise to Worf’s plan and sneaks along to help. They maybe pick

to a point that we can’t legally comment on it until we figure out some things

“That bucket of bolts?”

That picture screams “pregnant manatee”.

It’s based on this thing, a Ken Adams/Ralph McQaurrie Enterprise redesign for the pre-The Motion Picture, pre-Phase II, post-original series project-that-never-was, Planet of The Titans...

“Sometimes stuff just happens that is totally out of your control.”

Dirty little secret: No movie is ever “necessary,” but the world would still be a smaller and less pleasant place without them. :)

Trading is coming to Rocket League, a developer said so in a reddit post some time ago. His comment was someting along the lines of “you might want to wait with tading in your items for rare loot, because a trading system is also coming to rocket league”.

Wonderful, now we can clone him