I’ve never heard anyone say “figuratively” in a normal sentence. It’s so anti-climactic.
I’ve never heard anyone say “figuratively” in a normal sentence. It’s so anti-climactic.
(that’s the joke :P )
Luke, I see the foreign-backed feminists have reached you too.
Being mean to the player because her child died right in front of her. I get that she’s just a fictional character, but I swear that video gamers these days have absolutely no empathy for other human beings. We’re a generation of goddamn psychopaths.
At least most of them are pretty well done.
I wish people would stop making life long decisions based on short term consumer pop culture, but at least do it well.
Wow. I dig tattoos but a lot of these seem like they will be lamented in a few years, despite some of the good quality art. I think the D.Va one is the only one simple enough to pass as a generic ‘cute’ tattoo later on.
I’ll never understand tattoos. I mean I can kinda get when someone gets one to remember a dead relative or something with a lot of meaning like overcoming cancer or another challenge, but the majority of ones I see are very impulsive and I feel like the person regrets it over time. I mean how many tribals and “tramp…
Now if we could only have him record death cries for all forces.
I'm assuming the game ends with Gandhi nuking him no matter what the outcome.
The word you’re looking for is “SOCCER” or “FOOTBALL” Game mode. It’s this game with the goals that Rocket league is based upon, it did not invent it.
Zarya is probably be the only Russian athlete in the Olympics then.
I would DDOS those pieces of shit if they talked to my daughter like that. Then again if I found my daughter doing this I would first have a looooong chat with her about her goals in this and that while you can sell your image you must do so with plain knowledge that what you are selling is one if the base human…
Haha, that’s like saying you always wanted to get into running...
and you start with a marathon.
considering how insanely shit HOI3 was at launch, this seems kinda silly to compare the two
You don’t understand how calling HoIIV “mainstream”, or that it’s even approaching the approaches of mainstream, is an absurd thing to say?