
Pretty sure they had a second-run of "A New Hope," circa 1980, in the lead-up to the release of "Empire Strikes Back," because I was not yet old enough in 1977 to have seen the original and have any memory of having done so. Saw it at Plaza del Mercado in Layhill, MD, and I distinctly recall thinking "how did an

It's also not a matter of feeling others pain. We need to know how to see through the eyes of our enemies, whomever they may be. You don't have to feel their feelings, but to know their feelings is important, or you'll never understand what you're up against. For instance, you need to intellectually know what's like

I can intellectually grasp what you're talking about, that the Dominator culture expects the sorrows of the subaltern be expressed in only benign ways, which is entirely unreasonable. I used to feel that way, growing up in the Dominator culture, probably until I had my mind opened ever so slightly by the artistry of

In light of "Quest for Fire," I have to say that I'm extremely disappointed that Ron P. is not playing an actual bigfoot.

I'm still reeling from the amazingness that was "I'm So Good at Yoga."

I just knew "The Final Cut" would be mentioned before the page began loading! It's no exaggeration to say that Pink Floyd was my adolescent religion. I still love their output intensely. I don't understand the ire folks have for "The Final Cut." I think the songs are great, even if "Not Now John" is kind of silly,"

I just knew "The Final Cut" would be mentioned before the page began loading! It's no exaggeration to say that Pink Floyd was my adolescent religion. I still love their output intensely. I don't understand the ire folks have for "The Final Cut." I think the songs are great, even if "Not Now John" is kind of silly,"