Kotakuites, how about we try and actually design a controlled experiment to see if piracy actually effects sails in a negative way?
Kotakuites, how about we try and actually design a controlled experiment to see if piracy actually effects sails in a negative way?
Unfortunately, whether video game sales rise or fall in the next year, it isn’t really indicative of piracy’s effects.. This decision isn’t occurring in a vacuum - the sales depend on plenty of other factors.
I don’t think it will be a significant enough increase to even notice. For those who really wanted to play it odds are they caved in and brought it already. For those who couldn’t afford it.... well they still can’t afford so there will be no sale to them.
What’s your definition of free game? Because any good games is worth time and money. Free games filled with ads aren’t free. Free games that are crappy...not worth the bandwidth to download it in the first place. We pay 60 bucks for console games and they still want to nickel and dime with addons....I don’t feel sorry…
The people who say stuff like this are the same people who complain about how much CEO’s are paid.
Oh, you make a good point, some countries really do get the crappy end of the stick.
Funny how everyone in the comment section forgets who pirates the games. There’s people who pirate because they don’t want to waste a single cent even when they have the money to and easy access to pretty much everything.
Because not everybody gets easy access to games, not even when steam and other services are in place. I live in venezuela, the only way i’m able to buy games is by participating in the steam market, and it’s hard to always have money to buy a 20dollar game. If i, wanted a brand new game using my hard earned money, it…
It must be nice to live in a place with fast, reliable internet connections. It must also be nice to be free of anachronistic burdens like a concept of privacy, where you are in control. I could also live without worrying about having a disagreement with your DRM platform provider and have your account locked,…
honestly, maybe 70 or 80 percent, the other games i dont bother finishing or getting through all they way, if i really like a game and there is a console version I will usually buy the console version for the achievements/gamer score. For example I “sampled’ Wasteland 2 and Divinity and loved them both so when the…
Oh god, I quit Far Cry 3 because I had to run Steam AND Uplay in the background and it was bugging up my computer.
Funny enough, the pirates don’t have to deal with Uplay in their games.