Magus None

Not so, Alien took place in 2122. SO given an average generation of 25 years would put you at 4.8 gens...

Sadly Sophia...born somewhere in the late 90s early 00s...would have been Ripley's Great Grandmother...but she died...assuming Ripley was born in 2092.

Obligatory picture response to response:

Um, was that an Abortion episode? Because I'm pretty sure it was an Abortion episode. The central question of 'should we kill this unborn baby or not'; 'this decision is up to you, all of womankind'; the giant red letters of ABORT flashing on the screen for a second. And I'm not really sure how I feel, or what they

Yeah, it's really a problem only when it's tacky and wastes space, like the awful leather stitching in iOS Notes:

Uhhhh.... only - that's not an iPhone 6 box. This is.

I know, women's rights are only for lame bitches to talk about, AMIRITE brah!?


Sometimes I think the anti-GMO movement is just the food equivalent of the anti-vaccine movement. I'm definitely anti-Monsanto, but I'm not anti-GMOs in general.

He films in such slow motion, the humour is only catching up to us now...

Let's hate on it for no reason. Marvel FTW.

1) The chemistry between Peter Capaldi and Tom Riley (who plays Robin) is just spot on, and the rivalry between the two men is completely wonderful.

I'm the lead engine developer. I honestly didn't do it for any kind of political agenda or to make any kind of statement. I did it because the Sega Dreamcast was my favorite console growing up, and I literally taught myself how to code C and C++ just to develop games for it. It launched my engineering and game

Saw Guardians of the Galaxy yesterday.

after this week here is how it feels to be friday