Magus None

Pixels, people: you can tell from them.

I'd respond, but typing leaves me winded.

What's next? Pre-assembled LEGO sets? Have we really gotten so lazy?

It would not have gannets. They wet their nests.

This is the best I could do as a kid. Took this photo sometime in the 1990s after playing with my hand-me-down Star Wars toys. Still kicking myself that I sold them to buy a new computer when I was barely a teenager.


I guess his...

I'm clearly buying my handhelds from the wrong stores.

I don't understand how people can be such huge fucking sticklers for plot holes on a show that literally resets and messes with its own continuity on a weekly basis.

Asked why this show has been so hesitant to introduce decent characters from the Marvel Universe, while Arrow has mined so many DC Comics characters, Marvel's Jeph Loeb would only plead, "Stay tuned, there's a plan."

I hope the plan is to replace Jeph Loeb with someone that actually has a plan.

"Stay tuned, there's a plan."

The worst shit is assuming that a technological singularity would positively affect all of mankind, instead of uplifting just the most affluent, the most wealthy psychopaths to nigh immortal demigodhood. Just try to launch any kind of class mobility when the upper class is fucking SkyNet!

Intense, but not unsurprising- this statue was built during a period of marked Sinophilia in Japanese art and culture. The coloration here is very characteristic of Chinese polychromy from the same period, and the techniques themselves (I believe this statue is lacquered cloth over wood), may have been imported from

These are kids who were told they weren't allowed to work anymore! Kids want to work!!

The Digital Dude approves, man.

Man, these assholes are the worst. So you want an Yveltal for your Lvl 3 Growlithe? Idiots on GTS make me wish the game was local trade, only.