Vintage before vintage was so underground you probably never heard about it.
It says in the redemption fine print that he won't be out until spring.
I had the two playing at the same time. I don't know if it's art, but I like it!
Do you think it would come with a Lego studio audience to laugh at the "jokes?"
Don't forget the Timelords.
"I feel justified, and ancient, and more alive now than I have in years. Rock on, db."
Huh, I don't recall the black and white photo being part of the original post. Maybe I'm growing dim in my advancing years.
What? No nod to Annie Potts?
What I would really like is some clarification on is just how far away from Atlanta are the Rick Rollers? At the end of season one, they were driving away from the CDC in Atlanta giving a pretty good indication during season 2 when they reached the farm that they put some miles behind them. Season 3 with the prison…
Well played!
And here it comes now!
In this case, Cyclops is being used as a name so an 's is called for. I invoke Strunk's "The Elements of Style" for this: Rules of Useage
/grammar nerd'd
I have a groovy kind of love for you right now...
You're talking about a story where apparently satellites can transmit energy from Jupiter to Earth almost instantaneously.