Magus None

This is not my beautiful house.

It's a reference to reverse bukkake.

From what I understand, it's going to be MGS 3: Subsistence and MGS 2: Substance. Not only will you have the camera mode but also Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake with Subsistence.

At least he's only taking up a small table. However, it looks like he only got a free cup for water. Light him on fire!

If there's ever a sale, I'll have to pick it up on PSN. That way I can also play it on my PSP.

I had no idea there was such animosity towards that version. That's the only version of Metal Gear Solid I've played, mostly because of the controls and look. I hate to say it, one of the things that put me off getting MSG from the PSN was the look of the game.

Take heart! Just remember that those big ships were constructed in space, reboots not withstanding.

Is there any reason they couldn't use MGS: The Twin Snakes as a basis for an HD remake?

Did we really lose that freedom or was the illusion of that freedom lost?

I don't see the need to continue mentioning that it was a world exclusive several times during the song along with all of the other voiceover elements (B-b-bass in your face!).

Seamless blending victory!

I'm not quite clear, was that a world exclusive? I thought I caught something or other during the song about that...

I think the real test would be to see it thrown up on the big screen. Certainly in this sample they've created a CG puppet that is far more recognizable as Yoda than what they created as a practical effect. The Episode I puppet always looked bloated to me. I don't think this will lead to them editing out the

I think the difference there is that the Neilsen system is a "neutral third party" whereas Comcast could benefit if it was in control of the numbers.

It also depends on how you define the two. I believe the popular distinction between a drag queen and a transvestite is that a transvestite is a person attempting to simulate the opposite gender via wardrobe, make up, etc. With a drag queen, it is more over the top and less an attempt at simulation and more an

I thought rapture bombing was the new planking was the new laying down game?

I'm pretty sure I've seen you in some of the online footage.

I hope they get Wil Smith to do the titular song!

Dat jag off doan know how ta drive dahntahn!

This was a triumph!