we wondered whether Disney could attract audiences to an animated film that wasn’t a musical or a sequel. Now we know the answer—a resounding nope.
we wondered whether Disney could attract audiences to an animated film that wasn’t a musical or a sequel. Now we know the answer—a resounding nope.
Chapek drew a lot of criticism for his handling of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. He also shut down what were considered complementary services at Walt Disney World, like the Magical Express and free MagicBands. I can’t say how much of this is valid, but people associate Chapek with rising prices and declining quality…
Ironically, “Start with a conversation” is the most sales-seminar-thing said in this whole comment section.
A real enthusiast with that much money would absolutely own a Tesla given it's one of the most important and influential vehicles ever in the history of the automobile.
Because this is a car and auto-enthusiasts’ website and if it wasn’t mentioned, we’d all be asking. Knowing what car lets us paint a picture of what happened, what the fuel lines would’ve looked like, where he was in his shop, what era of fuel delivery he was dealing with...
That makes no real sense. Someone who does care what people think about them would keep their preferences as secret as possible and avoid public endorsements. Someone who doesn’t care about any fallout from making their preferences public would endorse...
You’re absolutely correct.
My guess is he’s a Republican who doesn’t like Trump.
I’ve gone coast to coast on a train, the only highlights were the Colorado river and the sierra mountains, the rest of the trip kinda sucks especially if you don’t have a sleeper car. I’d rather just get there in a couple hours on a plane, or if I really want to make a trip to visit places I want to go, drive to the…
The airport was perfectly situated to allow plane loads of soldiers easy access to its capable of delivering troops to the region and so was vital for the Russians to take over the airport. Russia did eventually captured the airport...
Just to give a shoutout to the specific teams and people responsible for this:
Was a fan of Cecilia until it came out that she fabricated a large chunk of her most popular stories (both here on Kotaku, and her following gigs), negatively impacting the subjects of her spotlight. Great writer, terrible journalist
You mean the people who have REPEATEDLY INSISTED THAT THEY ARE NOT JOURNALISTS, whenever someone criticizes their lack of journalistic integrity or standards? Those “journalists”?
The gall of these fuckers.
You’ll note that his comment has by far the most stars though, the overwhelming majority of us have seen how shitty this site has become. Most of the posts are paid ads disguised as journalism, and they don’t bother with any editing at all anymore.
No one is mourning? Hard to believe you’re that out of touch with the rest of the world. Maybe go outside and talk to real people.
Really? It’s been a week and youre already publishing an article on how “weird” the royals are? Some people are still mourning. You should delete this shit article.
Why is this a story? How was he supposed to know she was her mother? I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago and it’s not like they provide the guards with a list of names + photos of people associated with whatever celebrities are there. The goal is to keep the wrong people out and…