
So hes a racist asshole that decided to be a human for a minute....well then....may he enjoy unemployment then like the others that are getting fired for being shit heads.  Thanks for that clarifying video .

I guess he found a line he wouldn’t cross. Maybe he will take some time to reflect on his previous activity. 

The EV question isn’t good vs bad. EVs are the lesser of two evils.

The best managers have a unique viewpoint, which is that they are “servants” of the worker bees.

Or, everyone that has received one with build quality issues have complained online, and the rest have a good car.

Quality? Purely anecdotal, but my M3 Performance hasn’t seen a shop since I bought it 17 months and 60,000 miles ago.  Best car I’ve ever owned.

Where is SBA to tell us that demand is dropping off a cliff?

Another slide show?!?!?

This car is as exotic and Italian as Crazy Bread from Little Caesar’s. Just get the MX-5.

  • Police body cameras that cannot be turned off as a matter of policy will capture the private conversations of anyone in earshot of the camera.

Jalopnik is notorious for confusing terminology, and then writes articles on a false premise of that terminology confusion.

I mean, I don’t have problems with it. It’s really weird for me to do something on a weekly basis, then have a bunch of other people who don’t, tell me how bad it is or how impossible it is. Surreal.

I would never presume someone else’s risk tolerance level, so you may not feel as excited as I do to be on the cutting edge, or that it’s value is worth it for you personally. You are the best person to make that judgement for yourself.

I know it’s not a perfect solution (especially for non-tech-savvy people for whom it’s not a solution at all), but that’s why you unlock the bootloader and put on a custom ROM. (And remember to install Magisk, if for no other reason than Magisk Hide for apps that detect root and refuse to work.) Even better if it’s an

The comments on this article:

Wow, this is such a painfully bad take. It’s written as if the people who choose to buy the FSD option are somehow tricked about what they’re getting. Nobody who pays for this option today thinks it’s feature complete yet. They’re paying a discounted price for an incomplete set of features. When Tesla releases the

I wish I could give you more stars!

I fucking hate Jalopnik. This is not a website for car enthusiasts — it’s a website for people who recognise good things 15 years after the fact.

honestly, I’d be ok with having the fake vents if I could get the first two boxes checked.

Everyone works for a union in hollywood, so they have already negotiated what acceptable practices are... and directors don’t get to overrule the union.