Ah, yes. Tell us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies without telling us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies
Ah, yes. Tell us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies without telling us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies
AIs are not creative, you’re just throwing real art into a blender and telling them “make me something like that”
usually they take in a lot of human-created art in order to be able to function at all and most of that is dubiously obtained
It’s not different. There was more coverage of the Thailand cave rescue which didn’t involve rescuing any billionaires in distress. Likewise with the mining collapse rescue in Chile, and other similar stories.
Remember the cave rescue?
I joined Facebook when it came to my university because it was cleaner and less chaotic than MySpace (which was cleaner and less chaotic than Geocities). There was no notion of “complicated” feature sets back then because nothing could be very complicated.
Obi-Wan could be any age though. He’s a wizard, and wizard classically live a supernaturally long time.
Finding lost Jedi who had escaped the Purge has been a thing for literal decades. It didn’t just start in 2019, or even 2005.
The “problem” the Jedi purge always had is that it was clearly initially set up in A New Hope as something that happened over a very long period of time, and the time were there were 100 000 Jedi in the galaxy is very far in the rear view mirror. It’s very much a fantasy concept of lost golden age.
When the galaxy is made to feel that small, when we keep revisiting these already-established nexuses of characters, Jedi or otherwise, that scale in the background fiction doesn’t carry the weight it should, and remains forever in abstract.
Just give us a fucking phone/tablet mount. It saves you money, it saves us inconvenience, it’s a win-win all around.
Fair enough, I hadn’t seen any quotes from the ref. If that’s what happened that’s what happened. He’s the ref. It just doesn’t look like what happened in the video.
That’s been my mission since SWC ‘23. Blitzed through Clone Wars, Rebels, and just finished the second season of Bad Batch.
Not sure if serious or not, but Lars Mikkelsen voiced Thrawn in the animated series. That’s why they’re using him.
From other articles I’ve read about this, the Ref heard him snoring which is considered a verbal tap
This was a white belt match?
Facebook should put its money where its mouth is and give all of its employees Quest headsets to collaborate “in person” in the “Metaverse”
I honestly forgot YouTube Stories were still a thing. But regardless, I’ve engaged with YouTube Shorts a lot more than I thought I would. I don’t plan on ever downloading TikTok or I actively avoid IG Reels (let alone anything Facebook has copied recently), but I’ve been enjoying YouTube Shorts.
Gizmodo trying to justify/defend their current editorial stance on new technological developments after claiming to be a tech blog for the last 20 years.