
Gotcha. That pretty much confirms what I already thought.

I’m talking about the OP being the weird nerd, not me.

We Loved... The Party Dynamics

That’s not his posting history. That’s my reply notifications page. That’s him spamming me with meaningless replies so that my reply notifications will blow up.

Does this count as “weird nerd” behavior? 🤔

whatever you’re just dismissing my replies

Worse you’ve decided that head cannon works for meme jokes?

Your experience with ads on a website are not interesting to anyone but yourself

No, but man, what a fascinating discussion this is turning into!

Ah well you only got 1/2 there then didn’t you, do let me know when you manage the second part eh?

I mean, I personally have never complained about the ads on here and have always thought it’s kind of silly to, for that very reason.

Not the same thing, given that the ads are intrusive and numerous, and the Elon stories are one or two a day, among many articles.

Big man, responding with a “I know you are but what am I” level of schoolyard witticism

Don’t worry, Elon will probably buy Gizmodo soon and quash all the content about him :)

Make your own feed via an RSS reader with keyword filtering?

“Just scroll past the ads”

“Just scroll past the ads.”

You’re the weird nerd here for defending Gizmodo’s tabloid ambitions, dude. Hope you realize that.

1. Even with 2 stories in the last 24 hours he still makes up less than 10% of content. and significantly less of the revenue.

Nobody’s forcing you to reply