Maggie Pye

Sounds like you’re coming from a place as someone who hasn’t tried to get their rapist convicted in a Canadian court.

He wont be convicted because just like America, we do not convict rapists. I speak from experience.

fuck. this. piece. of. smarmy. shit. dumpster. fire. of. a. person.

everyone I know who has met this trash has the exact same thing to say about him. and it isn’t nice.

There’s a solid chance he’ll be found not guilty owing to reasonable doubt but he faces another trial later this year for conduct specifically while working at CBC so with any luck the prosecution learns from its mistakes here and strings him up in that one. Regardless, his professional career is about done.

Fuck this guy, fuck all rapists who are trying to get away with it by claiming their victims are liars, fuck the CBC, fuck everything.

well it sounds an awful lot like Bill Clinton and his problem.

I work with a woman whose ex-husband worked in (Canadian) radio years ago and everyone always said “Ghomeshi was a bad date”. She knew from that industry for years that women should stay away from him. Is this how domestic abuse survivors are questioned? “Well you didn’t divorce him, you kept living with him so it’s

That’s a good point. But I do feel like RD could have taken off her costume, so to speak, if she needed to be white. Caitlyn Jenner, and most other trans people (especially after begining to transition), don't have that option. I would venture to say that she (Jenner) is now experiencing being a woman, and a trans

My answer to that is because a person could come out either gender. My parents could have had a boy or a girl. I came out a girl, and I identify as female, but the exact same ingredients that made me could have made a boy. But my two white parents, both of whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents (and so

You’re kidding, right? All the nutritive values that you look for in chard or rhubarb or red cabbage are like quintupled in beets - the “funky” red pigment they all share (betalain) is actually an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, but beets have have it in spades. They are a phenomenal blood-builder because they

I don’t get all the beet hate. They’re yummy and borscht is awesome. Beet greens are especially good.

LOVE barley. not least of all because it’s an antecedent to beer. but i make barley salads, barley pilaf, barley soup.

The second biggest food argument in my household is over the (obvious) grossness of beets and my wife’s (incorrect) love of them.

Yeah-I mean maybe each tweet is a call for help. She wants ANYBODY to get her into rehab and is reaching out the only way she knows how.

The most credit I could give her for this effort was thinking, “is she fucking HIGH?”

Agree. Fremdschäden is just when you feel bad for someone embarrassing themselves. This really calls for a word that describes wanting to straight up slap them across their face.

So let me get this straight.

I grew up in a teeny tiny little town in a very red state in the 80s. There was still no way to be interested in musical theater without spending some time around gay dudes. No children were either confused or scarred in the process.

I’m also surprised this woman enrolled her kids in musical theater and was surprised that there were gay people around. Is she new?

I mean, the mom is clearly an ass, but I don’t think I want my kids taught by someone who doesn’t know affect from effect and mixes up their/they’re/there.