Maggie Pye

“On the spot dicespin” I. die.

She also doesn’t understand why pedestrians freak out when she’s barrelling toward them on her bike then swerves around them at the last second (hopefully), so she doesn’t seem to get that she is exactly the cyclist we’re talking about.

Cyclists who ride on the sidewalk are a pox. I’m always tempted to shove them over when they ride by. I also get really angry at cyclists who don’t wear helmets.


Okay but also bike lanes should be banned in general because cyclists should be banned because they never FUCKING FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE GODDAMN ROAD YOU CANNOT RUN A FUCKING STOP SIGN I AM IN A GIANT METAL TWO TON CYCLIST KILLING MACHINE YOU GODDAMN MORONS

“It breaks my heart that it’s the end of an era and in solidarity, I will be wearing my panties at half-mast.”

They’re ready.

Thirsty Kirstie.

I thought the cowardly lion looked like he was being played by Titus from Kimmy Schmidt... Now I am just super bummed.

Thing is, I am not scared of scarecrows. I liked the designs for them in the original The Wiz movie, where Scarecrow looked like a rag doll that was owned by a toddler (really cuddly looking) as well as how he looked in the 1939 Wizard of Oz. He looked very homespun and friendly there. However, this new scarecrow

Well, he was blocking the middle of a pedestrian bridge with a gaping wound long enough for folks to phone in to the cops. I suspect he would have been charged with something even if he could walk.

I wanted Titus Burgess for the Cowardly Lion. Now I don’t feel like watching. Sigh.

Now I oddly want him to have an unscripted dance number to “Goodbye Horses”in the middle of the show.

Tin Man and Scarecrow almost look like they are being played by key and peele, and now im sad they aren’t being played by key and peele...

Often when this is happening it’s because the sidewalks are in disrepair and the scooter can’t navigate them.

FUN FACT: This is one of three movies in which I walked out midway through. And for teenage me, that was a big deal, you all. Movies are expensive!

Brining cameras is a terrible idea, their surface isn’t porous enough for the brine to affect the flavor so it just seems like a waste of time.

No, it isn’t fair. Addiction isn’t anyone’s fault; it’s a disease. To blame Khloe and her family is ignorant. And Lamar signs off on the content of the show if it involves him. He gets paid for it. He’s no victim there.

Yup. It’s gross how clever he thinks he is. Joke’s on him: he’ll go down in history as a hateful hypocrite who raised a dog torturer and promoted a serial child molester.

You know he sat there and came up with that “sin not skin” Tweet and smiled, whispering to himself, “That’s so good. It rhymes. Presidents should rhyme. God thinks I’m hilarious.”