Maggie Pye

Pro tip: a friend of mine who is a chef told me I could substitute a tablespoon of smoked paprika when something calls for being cooked in bacon grease. Totally works.

Tell her if she loves your scar so much you’d be willing to give her one twice as long anywhere she wants it. Then do the dragging the thumb across your neck thing for good measure.

Can you take a friend with you who can say “Woah, that’s totally inappropriate!”? Because I would be that friend.

Because chicken stock is delicious and vegetable stock is basically just salty water. You make a vegetable soup with vegetable stock and it’s ok. You make it with chicken stock (the real thing, not those salty cubes) and it is OUT OF THIS WORLD.

oh, I would beg to differ. I’ve had it with vegetable stock and with chicken stock and chicken stock wins every time.

I still miss Regretsy so much. :(

But will they have this for sale?

Tell me about it. I can’t keep enough crystal shard rubbed Indigo child jeggings in stock.

I was burned really badly by Etsy as an artist. Perhaps selling with Amazon is something I should look into, especially since there is an actual vetting process into becoming a vendor.

“’s designed to make people healthier, and only a monster would want a monopoly on saving lives”

He apparently is claiming that since President Obama disappointed some of his African American constituents, the continuing calls to address racism in America are due to the fact that he is not a “real black President” while Ben Carson would be. He’s prolly one of those guys who, after the 2008 election, thought to

Is that Khal Drogo Jason Momoa? And why isn’t he showing up and touching on me randomly?

Ah, Halloween, the time of insensitive celebrity costumes and shenanigans.

Your family claims yoir workers as independent contractors while they are truly employees, thus putting the tax burden on them. So they have to save to pay taxes, so they make even less. Not to mention that those long hours that the employees spend cleaning up and opening and doing extra stuff are not paid at all. At

Nail technicians are paid as independent contractors as a percentage of the cost of service.

You realize the NYT article was reviewing the salon situation in NYC, right? How the situation is in Chicago has no relevance to what the Times article was about, and Chicago was only mentioned in the context of how saturated the NYC market is with nail salons in comparison.

So your counter-argument is, “That detailed article about a year-and-a-half long examination of hundreds of salons in New York City is inaccurate because I know some people in Chicago who don’t do that.”

I live in Texas. When I read the NYT article I was incredulous, then I realized that I’m in Texas. It’s different here. And it’s probably different for salons in Chicago. Just something to keep in mind.

the jobs you describe are not good, fair, or legal working conditions, even for independent contractors. While it may be true that being employed under shitty conditions is better than not being able to find work at all, it is still unfair to work without breaks, overtime pay, benefits, etc. That doesn’t mean it you’re not even talking about the same state, huh?