
“Female-presenting nipples” is an all-time great for clumsy corporate wokeness.

letting the nuns take over is a fabulous idea.

Bellino is probably a Chianina- one of the oldest and largest cattle breeds. We had Charolais cattle when I was a kid. They’re...huge.

Uh, I’m pretty sure we’re living through the sequel right now.

I didn’t even have to read past the headline to know that this would be Scottish Rite. Oh man, that place is crazy. My friend lived there, because her (very well off but apparently pretty shitty) aunt had been a resident there, and told my friend that she would gladly pay all tuition and residential fees to UT . . .

Spent Thanksgiving this year with 5 dogs at a family member’s home (all wonderful and well behaved doggos, btw).

During the entire meal, the pug and the Boston Terrier were sleeping under the dining table. The noises were otherworldly...

Not sure about the choice to have a pug in the header image, if anyone has heard a pug sleeping, they’d know that sleeping in proximity to that is damn near impossible.

If someone is sleeping next to a man, aren’t they already sleeping next to a dog?

There’s a hint of blue smoke to signify a boy, but it’s quickly overpowered by fire and dust and earth and shrapnel and various other scary shit flying through the air.

Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:

Circumcision wasn’t invented to turn men into semen receptacles incapable of feeling pleasure.

I’m just so grateful to see a Netflix movie that FINALLY reflects my own personal experience.

“It’s the most beautiful duck,” added Barrett. “Probably in the world.”

To be fair, that’s true of most of Indiana.

This story, this dude and that photo all seem like they’re from 1979. 

My friend teaches a college course that satisfies a diversity requirement for business majors. She says this semester has been terrible, with a large portion of the students utterly refuse to engage with the materials (53%: The Next Generation,) but one did say she understood what it’s like being a minority as she’s

You can bet that if she were white no charges would have been filed, or even considered, for that matter. 

Another article I read on this stated that they both wanted children, but Bliss did not want to carry a baby, which is why they chose her eggs to transfer to her wife, who did want to carry a baby, so they both got what they wanted.  I love it.  :)

As a tall girl (5'11) I get unreasonably annoyed at this stuff. If you’re 5'2, everyone is taller than you- most guys can pick you up. Leave the giants to those of us who need them! I have never been girly or felt delicate because I’m always taller than the guys, even in flats.