
And while he hasn’t competed in the Nathan’s contest in many years, Kobayashi continues to hold many records in the world of competitive eating, and once defeated his long-time rival in a contest to see who could speed-eat the most Pizza Hut P’Zones. That last part isn’t strictly relevant to this story, we just

I don’t get the hate for this car. It looks better in person. Yes, it’s brash and insulting. At least it’s different. You can buy this and stand out, or you can buy a Cayenne or a Range Rover and be like every other 5th person in a local Whole Foods parking lot.

And not on the subtle side either. She's a legit lunatic about it.

Eww.  I didn’t know she was one of those.   

The best Michael Bay movie is Con Air. But the best actual Michael Bay movie is Armageddon; for some reason that’s the only one where I buy the cornball sentiment and the tonal shifts don’t feel too jarring. The Rock is up there but Cage and Connery are doing a LOT of work

Who wants to bet large sums that she pivots to being a “wellness”/anti-vax influencer?

Now she can wear her Maga hat without fear of losing her Disney job.

...and nothing of value was lost.

She wants time off to spend with her friends:

Typical republicans.  

I don’t know why anyone would clamour to be in the RNR Hall Of Fame. Any voting body that would honor Eric Clapton three times and The Slits zero times seems like a complete waste of time. What’s the value of being placed among a group of loudly lauded mediocrity? It’s validation that music is popular enough to be

perfectly fine but not particularly revelatory nostalgia piece

I’d argue that being a dick has always been his thing. His humor has relied on sarcasm and a general dismissiveness toward other people’s feelings for a very long time. It just used to be on stage, directed at a straw man breaking the unwritten rules of society, so we tended to agree with him. There was more to it,

I assume he was asked.

We’re just finishing up a felony trial for a White man who already owes half a billion in fraud damages, nearly $90 million to a woman he raped and then defamed, etc.....and yet when I look at the pictures of his supporters all I see are White faces.

It helps that they’re playing Dookie and American Idiot in full on most dates. My family lives in central PA and I’m taking my sister to see the Hershey show.

Furryosa. Done.

First, Fury Road is not a sequel. It’s a reimagining/reboot. Regardless, yes making a new Mad Max 30 years after the last one is part of the point, because again, Fury Road didn’t exactly do gangbusters for its budget.

I saw the twitter dunking and it was mostly being made by people who weren’t even alive in ‘04 when Super Size Me came out. Even at it’s release ‘Oh wow guy eats nothing but Mcdonald’s and gets fat stop the presses’ was a wide criticism of the films concept. But at the time it was pretty hard to know what was being

The interior materials are awful is for a vehicle at this price point.