
Horizon: Forbidden West is just so good. The gameplay is solid and the engagements with machines allows for players to engage them how they want. I really enjoyed that I could walk into a fight and didn’t feel like I was at a disadvantage with whichever weapon I wanted to engage with. It encouraged me to try them all,

I have a buddy who I grew up with. He was fucking poor, like, my mom used to pack an extra lunch for me to give him, and sometimes he’d come to my house and leave with a bag full of my clothes poor. Anyway, this kid got his shit together and got himself through school and got a decent job. He managed to buy a rental

Just a lazily written snooze. They’re really mailing it in here, though not quite as badly as Boba Fett.

Without Brittany Murphy as Luanne? They’ll have a hell of a job finding a voice actress who can burst into panic as well as she could.

To say this is retarded would probably not be the best way to critcize it. 

imho this has the worst writing so far.

I took Michael Keaton’s advice about running a prostitution scheme out of a morgue and it led to a long prison sentence. Never again 

I think the OP meant by age 60 or so, most people have had a friend or two die. It would not be that unusual.

I think my concept of pricing hasn’t changed since 2008 or so. A new, midsize car should be like $25,000 and a house should be like $250k.

Well, I guess that what LGBTI+ people needed. To finally be represented on the sort of low-rent filler that killed both the Discovery and History Channels.

The fact that Marky Mark is the bigger name is part of the problem. 

Glad you liked it. I thought it was mediocre when I watched it and it’s gotten worse as I thought about it. The group of teens were just absolutely dreadful actors, the dialogue was awful, Woodsboro for the first time felt like it wasn’t a character or a real, populated town (maybe cause of Covid regulations?).

Scream 5 was awful, she was the only redeeming part of it, and I’m glad she got out if they weren’t throwing money at her. 

You should be alarmed at having such an emotional reaction to a tv personality 

Yeah but no parent should have to hear this news.

Its crazy how brainwashed people are with modern cars. “Whats the big deal? You’re brand new cars engine blew up? Well it probably didn’t light on fire and kill your whole family so I don't even see the problem"

It’s funny to describe a major blockbuster like Tron: Legacy as the weird art kid of the Disney family, but compared to golden children Marvel and Star Wars, it’s not far off.

Yeah I've tried to play 7 on multiple occasions and I just cant get in to it. I havent tried 8 yet but thats only because of how much I didnt like 7 that I dont want to spend the money to find out.

Very excited about this , I just hope it is third person. I cannot do the fps resident evils. 

Silly is best descriptor of this series. The writing is atrocious both from a narrative standpoint and the ridiculous dialogue these actors are often saddled with. For every semi-natural exchange of dialog that could elicit some emotion, there’s ten instances of ridiculous sentences that no actor could deliver, which