
This is going to be a setback for Lionel Hutz’ case

Nickelodeon was his chance to be bad. 

I was think of remakes of movies made in the 70s and later. That would only included Departed on your (great) list I think. 

Dawn of the Dead remake was good. So was Pirahna. If you don’t like schlocky horror you’re out of luck. 

One Swayze smile had more charisma than Jakes entire career. This had no chance, just like the Point Break redo. 

The hero Detroit needs and deserves!

I’ll agreee, but add that metroidvania is a genre itself too. 

She was a fighter right? Maybe CTE? Or just a dumb bigot? Both? 

Asteroids, Metroid & RE are no brainers

How outrageous that someone can’t take a 6 month break from working. 

Why no Steve Lawrence eulogy? 

Checks out. All Baldwins seem to be colossal douches.

Of course she went back. It’s all she is known for, nothing else gonna pay like it.

I would have gave it to her. Flower was the better movie & Lily was the best in it. Poor Things was a freak show with a solid performance by Emma. The nom is a great honor either way. 

We need the Asian gums. Black Black, Xylish, and the other Lotte gums are all so much better than what we have here.

Never eaten fondue. I only think of this when I drive by the MP here

The guy is a wrestler. Nothing is beneath him. 

Bet it was those chems from her stint as the verminator... Love her, hope she manages it well.

To be fair her boobs are glorious. But yea boobs are not hard to find these days. Back in my day we had to work for our porn. A spring break movie on Cinemax, or a magazine hidden in the basement if you were lucky.

Thousand Year Door needs a proper sequel. Every Paper Mario since has been a disappointment. Excited to play it again.