
Lego seems to be the biggest offender. They dwarf board games and probably equal video games.

She was all sex in Black Snake Moan. Maybe that but probably Buf66

The real #1

Cant say I followed her closely, or at all really. My bad.

If by fascinating you mean confusing & unintelligible then yes.

So much for punk rock. Corporate Avril lives. 

These guys are such asswipes now. 

He should auction the oscar and donate the proceeds to the Slapped Comedians Emotional Support Foundation.

It’s coming

Don’t think I could handle regenerators in VR. Would probably break the vr lenses ripping them off. 

I’m not saying they can’t, they just wont. We still don’t have gamecube ports and just a handful of n64 & gameboy games. 

Pac Man ending is still better

They could have done Sorvino & Liotta in the same clip. The scene where Paul is smacking Henry telling him not to sell junk would have been great.

It’s not just Pokemon. All kinds of great games are going to be unplayable without a DS. I can’t see Nintendo porting 2 screen games over to switch or anything else. 

Forrest Gump is insufferable. 

They didn’t want to give it to a frog. If Beaker had sung it things would have went differently.

If normal is 100 degrees than its 30 out??? 

Eh it’s just a silly slasher. They just need the guy in the mask. Jason, Freddy, Ghostface are the real stars of these. They should have got her to come in for a day & killed her off in the first scene. 

Rainbow Connection would be #1 if it had not gotten robbed by that forgotten Norma Rae song. 

Wish GLOW had made that 4th... but come on lots of shows were better well past 4 seasons.